n. 收获;增加;利润
- Jack and Rose run as a wave blasts around the corner, foaming from floor to ceiling. It gains on them like a locomotive. They make it to a stairway going up.>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
- 45. The things that’s worth doing is trying to improve our understanding of the world and gain a better appreciation of the universe and not to worry too much about there being no meaning. And, you know, try and enjoy yourself. Because actually, life’s pretty good. It really is.
45.值得做的事情是努力提高我们对世界的理解,更好地欣赏宇宙,不要太担心没有意义。而且,你知道,试着享受一下。因为实际上,生活很美好。确实如此。>> 马斯克的给企业家的名言警句- John slows down, gains control of his breathing. Hears the WHEEZY PURR of the alien nearby. Not sure what direction.>> A Quiet Place 寂静之地 Movie Script 2018
- Lead Beckett to Shipwreck Cove so as to gain his trust accomplish your own ends?>> Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End加勒比海盗:世界的尽头 Movie Script
- A chance to be admired and gain the rewards that follow.>> Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest 加勒比海盗2:聚魂棺Movie Script
- I will not have some melancholy Spanish monarch a Catholic, gain eternal life !>> Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides 加勒比海盗:惊涛怪浪 Movie Script
- - With confidence in our armed forces, with the unbounding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph, so help us God.>> Pearl Harbor: Into The Arizona 珍珠港:亚利桑那号探秘(2016) Movie Script
- The facts speak for themselves. With confidence in our armed forces -- with the unbounding determination of our people -- we will gain the inevitable triumph -- so help us God. I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7, 1941, a state of war -- The words echoes out across America -- ROOSEVELT'S VOICE War...war...war... It rings through the radios of farm houses, to country boys gathered round; in the pool halls of big cities; in the fire houses and high schools... THE LINES AT RECRUITING STATIONS all across America -- men line up faster than the recruiters can handle them.>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
- (Michael begins to confuse him) Are you sure, Mikey? Are you sure of what we're doing; what we'll gain; what does the family gain?>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
- Of course, if my information as to your gains is incorrect, I'll dip my beak just a little. Just a little, but no less than one hundred dollars, and don't try to deceive me, eh paisan?>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
- I am an American hiding in Sicily from the police of my country. My name is Michael. You can inform the police and make your fortune but then your daughter would lose a father rather than gain a husband.>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
- We fascists, we eat crumbs and we gain strength.>> 1900 Movie Script
- l gain strength.>> 1900 Movie Script
- l gain strength from insult and humiliation.>> 1900 Movie Script
- What seemed like a disaster at the initial offering could turn out to be just a speed bump on the road to enormous gains.>> 公正裁决 Equity (2016) Movie Script
- WOMAN 3 [ON TV]: --moving broadly higher at this hour with utility and tech shares leading the gains.>> 公正裁决 Equity (2016) Movie Script
- Will a fighting monk ever use his skills for personal gain?>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
- You once taught me... Gain the upper hand and you hesitate a moment too long, the one dead will be you.>> 新少林寺 Shaolin (2011)Movie Script
- Remember this, when you gain the upper hand... And you hesitate a moment too long... The one dead will be you.>> 新少林寺 Shaolin (2011)Movie Script
- You were supposed to be this colossus. You were this great, legendary thing. And yet he gains.>> The Princess Bride Movie Script
- But instead, what I'm proposing is... we start accelerating immediately to preserve velocity and gain even more.>> 火星救援 The Martian (2015) Movie Script
- “Here, take him, I just helping him up,” he said. Only then he saw it was too late—the young man couldn’t stop coming and couldn’t stop hating, either. His eyes were wild with hatred. Deets felt a deep regret that he should be hated so by this thin boy when he meant no harm. He tried to sidestep, hoping to gain a moment so he could set the baby down and wrestle with the Indian and maybe calm him.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- The woman seemed to derive a certain amusement from the way he hobbled around trying to gain control of his limbs.
这个女人似乎从他蹒跚地试图控制四肢的样子中得到了某种乐趣。>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇- “Well, we better keep up,” he added nervously—he didn’t want to neglect his responsibilities. Then, to his dismay, he looked back and saw twenty or thirty cattle standing behind them. He had ridden right past them in the dust. He immediately loped back to get them, hoping the Captain hadn’t noticed. When he turned back, two of the wild heifersspooked. Mouse, a good cow horse, twisted and jumped a medium-sized chaparral bush in an effort to gain a step on the cows. Newt had not expected the jump and lost both stirrups, but fortunately diverted the heifers so that they turned back into the main herd. He found his heart was beating fast, partly because he had almost been thrown and partly because he had nearly left thirty cattle behind. With such a start, it seemed to him he would be lucky to get to Montana without disgracing himself.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “If you was to wear a gun somebody would just mistake you for a gunfighter and shoot you,” Augustus said, noting the boy’s wistful look. “It ain’t worth it. If Bol ever calls up any bandits I’ll lend you my Henry.” “That old man can barely cook,” Pea Eye remarked. “Where would he get any bandits?” “Why, you remember that greasy bunch he had,” Augustus said. “We used to buy horses from ’em. That’s the only reason Call hired him to cook. In the business we’re in, it don’t hurt to know a few horsethieves, as long as they’re Mexicans. I figure Bol’s just biding his time. As soon as he gains our trust his bunch will sneak up some night and murder us all.” He didn’t believe anything of the kind—he just liked to stimulate the boy once in a while, and Pea too, though Pea was an exceptionally hard man to stimulate, being insensitive to most fears. Pea had just sense enough to fear Comanches—that didn’t require an abundance of sense. Mexican bandits did not impress him.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇