
adj. 定居的;居住的;住院医师


ANCHORMAN (V.O.) (continuing) ...and this almost identical killing two hours ago of a Venice resident with virtually the same name. Sarah Ann Connor, a 24 year old legal secretary, was pronounced dead at the scene in her beachfront apartment... A customer gestures for the bartender's attention.>>完整场景
Meet the resident contortionist who can't bend any further.>>完整场景
No, transient as in eats marine mammals, seals, sea lions as opposed to resident, which means he eats fish and squid.>>完整场景
We don't know if he's a resident or transient orca.>>完整场景
Well, you know, still the resident family fuckup.>>完整场景
It's a squirming maggot. Andy grimaces, unsure what to do with it. BROOKS HATLEN is sitting closest to Andy. At age 65, he's a senior citizen, a long-standing resident.>>完整场景

INT. HOSPITAL RECEPTION AREA - AFTERNOON Colorful murals don the curved walls of the pediatric reception area. A spattering of children accompanied by adults sit and wait. Lynn and Malcolm are seated at a children's play table. A game made of a maze of wires sit on the table in front of them. A young resident DR. HILL takes a seat at the table with them. He opens up his notes.