
v. 减少;衰减;递减;削弱…的权势(diminish的现在分词)


“If it comes to it we’ll eat the donkey,” the bald man said. “What can you do with a donkey anyway?” “Train it to sit on its ass and eat sugar cubes,” the young one said. Then he giggled at his own wit.Newt edged a little closer, his fear rapidly diminishing. Men who could engage in such conversation didn’t seem very dangerous. Just as he was relaxing a hand suddenly gripped his shoulder and for a second he nearly fainted with fright, thinking the bowie knife would hit him next. Then he realized it was Deets. Motioning for him to follow, Deets walked right up to the hut. He did not appear to be worried in the least. When they were a few feet from the broken adobe wall, Newt saw Captain Call step into the circle of firelight from the other side.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Response time is diminishing.
>> 心灵点滴 Patch Adams (1998) Movie Script
250/FX FULL SHOT (PROCESS) 250/FX They hold the embrace, silhouetted by the diminishing flames.
>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script