
adj. 跳跃的



Yeah, well, he probably doesn't like you too much right now, either. Come on, I know where we can get some, uh, used boxes. (TOMMY GIGGLING) (SIGHS) Tommy, stop that jumping. -(GIGGLES) -(SIGHS) What are we gonna do with all this stuff? Well, whatever Reno doesn't want I'm gonna take along to Goodwill. -Where is your friend? -Trying something on. Oh. I just don't think I could wear a dead man's clothes. Why not? Well, they're dead. -Doesn't seem right. -(CLOSET DOOR OPENS) -Check it out! -(BOTH CHUCKLE) These are some fly threads, man. -Are you sure I can keep these? -Yeah. Don't really seem to fit you too good. Oh, I can take care of that.Well.
>> A Country Called Home Movie Script
It was stupid of me to go bungee jumping.蹦极
>> 家庭生活常见对话句子10

.حان الوقت لإظهار قوتنا الحقيقية. إنهم يستهينون بعزيمتنا. دعونا نُريهم أننا لا نخافهم (The time has come to show our true strength. They despise our resolve. Let us show them that we do not fear them.) A civilian is seen jumping a chain-link fence. A German shepherd is seen chasing him but he escapes.
>> Modern Warfare 07 Movie Script