
vi. 感染;订约;收缩


Johnny, the Don wants you to help us get started. We figure entertainment will be the big factor in drawing gamblers. We hope you'll sign a contract to appear five times a year for maybe a week long engagement.>>完整场景
Okay, yeah, just send over the contract.>>完整场景
Part of the contract.>>完整场景
Contract's our law, and their contract still has one year to go.>>完整场景
Put the landowners in jail for not respecting their contract.>>完整场景
But our contract hasn't run out yet.>>完整场景
Even though our contract hasn't run out, they're giving us the boot.>>完整场景
Ive personally delivered the marriage contract to Commander Song.>>完整场景
It didn't say who the contract was on, though.>>完整场景
The money and the contract.>>完整场景
It was tough for Jimmy not to be there to sign the contract.>>完整场景
The sound-- you know, the fart sound, I believe, it's just from the-- the anal opening-- the anal sphincter skin vibrating as the gas is expelled through normal peristalsis, so your colon can contract, and as it contracts, it pushes things through including gas.>>完整场景
Now put the contract on the wires.>>完整场景
[Gasps] [Chattering] Once you've signed the contract... I'll get one of the brothers to take you out to the mission on the sloop.>>完整场景
I'll have the original contract with the original offer drawn up and ready.>>完整场景
Will I tell my lawyer to draw up a contract?>>完整场景
I'll put it in the contract.>>完整场景
This contract is not binding until the cattle are loaded.>>完整场景
Might as well sign the contract now, eh?>>完整场景
This is a war of the air, but on the ground... the War Office will announce who has won the army's contract... to supply good Aussie beef to the troops.>>完整场景
If she stays and Lord Ashley manages to get his cattle down onto that wharfthere... then we've got a competitor for the army contract, Neil.>>完整场景
Expect contract for sale of station to be drawn by time of my arrival. Stop.>>完整场景
[Dishes Clattering] [Jake] All I'm saying, John, is the cutoff was not done proper according to contract.>>完整场景
* * * * * * * 230D SCENES 230D - 230E OMITTED 230D* 230F INT. U.S. ATTORNEY’S OFFICE - CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY 230F* OFF A “COOPERATION AGREEMENT,” we find -* -- Nolan Drager, Lucas Solomon, Rochelle Applebaum andAgent Denham all back at the conference table, readingcopies of the same contract. Lucas does so aloud: LUCAS SOLOMON: Paragraph 2. The defendant shall provide information regarding allcriminal activities of the defendant and others from June 1st, 1990, onwards. Paragraph 3.>>完整场景
Bertie moves forward diffidently, without an ounce of confidence, knowing deep within he's doomed. His stomach knots, chest muscles contract, constricting his breath.>>完整场景