
vi. 感染;订约;收缩


Amos hands off the contract to a CLOWN.>>完整场景
INT. BIG-TOP - NIGHT Amos leans over so Karl can sign a contract on his back. He spots Edward walking back into the tent.>>完整场景
AMOS (cont’d) “Unconscionable contract?” Nope.>>完整场景
I just want you to know we have every intention of signing the contract.>>完整场景
But not for the big fat defense contract he bribed his way into.>>完整场景
Matter of fact, I have a book contract.>>完整场景
Only a writer. Strangely enough, nobody believed that I actually had a book contract.>>完整场景
You think they didn't renew my contract because I'd put weight on ?>>完整场景
It's worse. You've had a temporary contract for the last 10 years.>>完整场景
They didn't, theyjust didn't renew my contract, it's different.>>完整场景
Look, when we gave you this contract, you said sh*t like this couldn't happen.>>完整场景
Explicit allies are the countries that have actually signed a military defense agreement with one another and are thus primarily obligated by that contract.>>完整场景
It's a contract that there is no contract.>>完整场景
Your new contract.>>完整场景
411. To make the contract attractive, the contractorsubtracted a tractor from it.>>完整场景
And said, "No, it's not our intention." That is the only thing I asked in the contract.>>完整场景
The only thing I asked in the contract was that I don't want to be a teammate with Ayrton.>>完整场景
The Triple World Champion signed a two-year contract with Williams.>>完整场景
Here's your map and your contract.>>完整场景
Sign the contract and find out.>>完整场景
[Kluger] Nixon's goal was to contract America's space footprint.>>完整场景
You can contract disabling lung diseases from working only a week in a poultry house. Tiny barbed pieces of feather dig into the tissue of your lung and never let go. But we didn't know that then.>>完整场景
24.Most substance contract when they freeze so that the density of a substance’s solid is higher than the density of its liquid。>>完整场景
Just... Just sell what's in your contract.>>完整场景
It's not stipulated in the contract.>>完整场景