
vt. 表达;快递


MICHAEL wants to express something...hesitates, then:>>完整场景
Now that the war is over, Enzo, this boy is being repatriated to Italy. And you see, Godfather... (he wrings his hands, unable to express himself) He...my daughter...they...>>完整场景
Love is not a language to express, only in the life, express it in the whole of life.>>完整场景
lf you have the irresistible urge to express yourselves in this manner again, you will do it outside the house.>>完整场景
I didn't think you were... (beat) The Shaolin martial tradition is built on challenges. We challenge ourselves, but we do not fight with each other. Never do we fight to see who is best – we train to be able to right wrongs, not to let our hands and feet express emotions run wild. A Shaolin never throws a punch or kick in anger.>>完整场景
“You can express it and I can knock your dern teeth down your throat for you,” Dish said. “Lorie didn’t make Jake Spoon into no criminal.” Bert had always considered that Dish had been awarded the top-hand position unfairly, and he was not about to put up with such insolence from him. He took his gun belt off, and Dish did the same. They squared off, but didn’t immediately proceed to fisticuffs. Each walked cautiously around the other, watching for an opening—their cautiousness provoked much jocularity in the onlookers.>>完整场景
“Just because you’re in love with a whore don’t mean I can’t express my opinion,” Bert countered.>>完整场景
The memory of the frying possum crossed his mind, reminding him that he was very hungry. What with the wasp stings on top of the hunger, it was difficult to express himself clearly, or even to think clearly, for that matter.>>完整场景
Deets noticed his discouragement and did what he could to help pick his spirits up. Sometimes he helped out with jobs that were too much for Newt, and whenever a chance for complimenting a piece of work came, Deets paid the compliment himself. It was a help, though it couldn’t always make up for the feeling Newt had that the Captain held something against him. Newt had no idea what it could be, but it seemed there was something. Deets was the only one beside himself who seemed to be aware of it, but Newt could never work up the nerve to question Deets about it directly—he knew Deets wouldn’t want to talk about such things. Deets didn’t talk much anyway. He tended to express himself more with his eyes and his hands.>>完整场景
Much of his time on the porch after supper was spent in trying to figure out what words would best express such a sentiment.>>完整场景
I know I speak for my entire radio audience when I express my great admiration for both of you.>>完整场景
The animal exists for the first time in tens of millions of years... and the only way you can express yourself is to kill it.>>完整场景
JORDAN (V.O.) With that in mind, at the tender age of 22, after marrying mygirlfriend Teresa-14A SCENES 14A - 18 OMITTED 14A 19 EXT. WALL STREET - DAY (MAY ‘87) An express bus pull up -- its sign reads “WallStreet”.... 19 JORDAN (V.O.) --I headed to the only place thatbefit my high-minded ambitions... Jordan emerges, kisses TERESA goodbye, then joins a seaof Commuters heading to work.>>完整场景
I mean, at what point was the pony express supposed to ride in with his life-saving medication?>>完整场景
By pony express?>>完整场景
On the express condition that we do not reveal our actual location, we've received special permission to penetrate deep into a rhino sanctuary accompanied by heavily armed anti-poaching rangers.>>完整场景
Gentlemen I've brought a guest with me this evening. Mayor NOONE would like to express his gratitude for the civil way you've all conducted your business these last few years.>>完整场景
Student leaders are anxious to meet with university officials to express their views on Vietnam.>>完整场景
RED (V.O.) None of the inmates were invited to express their views... 164EXT -- WOODED FIELDS -- DAY (1965) 164 A ROAD-GANG is pulling stumps, bogged down in mud.>>完整场景
O-REN(JAPANESE) Gentlemen...Boss Tanaka obviously has something on his mind. Allow him to express it.>>完整场景
I know sometimes it's hard for me to express what I want to say.>>完整场景
Sometimes, we don't even know it, but we do things to draw attention. Do things so we can express how we feel about issues... Divorce or whatever. Every now and then we get glimpses of things Cole is playing with peeking over the back of the couch, but we can't quite make out what he's doing.>>完整场景