
n. 带;松紧带;传送带;乐队;一帮


From a stand beside his diagram he takes a set of wooden fins, attached to a circular metallic band.>>完整场景
EXT. TRAIN STATION AT CORLEONE - DAY Vitone and his young family: Mama, Santino, Fredo and the baby Michael are met at the small station in Sicily by friends, and Mama's relatives. There is a small band, playing for the occasion. A small man has brought a motor car to pick the family up; and there are certain dark men, with shotguns slung over their shoulders to preside over the occasion.>>完整场景
(almost to himself) But times are different... FULL VIEW IN ROOM - MICHAEL AND HIS MOTHER Quietly we HEAR the music of a small band playing an Italian march. From the orchestration, we know it is from the past.>>完整场景
In the center of the stage is a thick, telephone type pole, to which is tied a young Cuban girl, in a flimsy white sacrificial slip. A small band, mostly drummers, play some Latin music.>>完整场景
EXT. NEW YORK STREET - MED. VIEW - NIGHT A ten piece Italian street band plays in front of the church to commemorate the first night of the Festa di San Gennaro.>>完整场景
Well, since the marching band only got like, four people, I was thinking of getting an accordion... No. No, no, no.>>完整场景
Cockeye wanted to play with the band.>>完整场景
But the ride to the river was uneventful. It seemed they had not been riding long before they saw the silver band of the river in the moonlight. July stopped so abruptly that Joe almost bumped into his horse. He and Mr. McCrae were looking at something downriver. At first Joe couldn’t see anything to look at, but then he noticed a tiny flame of light, far downriver.>>完整场景
The storm turned out to be just a heavy shower. In ten minutes the rain lightened, and soon it was barely sprinkling. The sun had set, but to the west there was a clear band of sky under the clouds, and the clouds were thinning. The band of sky became red with afterglow. Above it, as the clouds thinned, there was a band of white, and then a deep blue, with the evening star in it. Roscoe dismounted and stood there dripping, aware that he ought to be planning some form of defense but unable to think of any. It seemed to him the storm might have discouraged the two men—maybe one of them had even been struck by lightning.>>完整场景
It had been taken in the year they chased Kicking Wolf and his band all the way to the Canadian, killing over twenty of them. Kicking Wolf had raided down the Brazos, messing up several families of settlers and scaring people in the little settlements. Driving them back to the Canadian had made the Rangers heroes for a time, though Call had known it was hollow praise. Kicking Wolf hadn’t been taken or killed, and there was nothing to keep him on the Canadian for long. But for a few weeks, everywhere they went there was some photographer with his box, wanting to take their picture. One had cornered them in the Buckhorn and made them stand stiffly while he got his shot.>>完整场景
Call and Augustus rode along together, some distance from the herd. They were moving through fairly open country, flats of chaparral with only here and there a strand of mesquite. That would soon change: the first challenge would be the brush country, an almost impenetrable band of thick mesquite between them and San Antonio. Only a few of the hands were experienced in the brush, and a bad run of some kind might cost them hundreds of cattle.>>完整场景
And tell him we'll have a big coming-out party for him with a brass band and everything.>>完整场景
Every member of the band can sing, dance, and play the guitar. This is a really cool concert!>>完整场景
They should be in bed Hungary withdrew from the League of Nations today, for Hitler If that's a reason to celebrate, there's worse to come Them and their German masters They marched right into Austria Right into Vienna itself You were in Vienna, with llona for three whole days Yes You're fired Your songs are too sad for me anyway I'll hire a gypsy band, Aradi, if we're going to sleep together in one bed let's drop the "Mister" Laszlo!>>完整场景
Although it was written for love For her, sixty years ago Thank you Every good restaurant needs a piano The "Gundel" has a Gypsy band American tourists think a Hungarian Restaurant must have Gypsy violins But if fiddling becomes more important than goulash, you start neglecting the kitchen The porkolt Gundel serves these days has the zoo elephants holding their trunks The carp in the aquarium would rather drown than smell it You should have stayed with your music So you could have saved on a pianist Sh*t!>>完整场景
“Jordan Belfort, a twisted version of Robin Hood who takes from the rich and gives to himself and hismerry band of brokers”.>>完整场景
More wild applause as Jordan signals across the bullpento Donnie. We hear the opening strains of “Stars & Stripes Forever” as he opens the door to a COLLEGE MARCHING BAND dressed in underwear and hats. The music continues as somersaulting GYMNASTS and BATON-TWIRLERS bring up the rear. As they march through the bullpen to cheers-FROM THE KITCHEN -- two dozen TUXEDO-CLAD WAITERS emergecarrying trays of champagne and hors d’oeuvres. The music continues as two dozen STRIPPERS bolt in, gyratingamong the BROKERS. As Jordan surveys the insanity: JORDAN (V.O.) Word spread throughout WallStreet -- I was becoming a legend.>>完整场景
The felling and earth removal are being watched by Churchill and Lang from a distant terrace. In the background a jazz band in white tuxedos syncopates pertly.>>完整场景
The crowd CHEERS. The Ashton marching band PLAYS. JennyHill smiles. So does the Old Woman.>>完整场景
EXT. MAIN STREET OF ASHTON - DAY Spirits buoyed by the high school MARCHING BAND, all the goodCITIZENS of Ashton are gathered to see off Edward and Karl.>>完整场景
Edward points to his wedding band, glinting in the firelight.>>完整场景
EXT. OUTSIDE THE COURTHOUSE - DUSK KAFFEE, JO and SAM are walking down the steps. The BAND is practicing on the parade grounds.>>完整场景
The door in the back of the courtroom opens and RANDOLPH, a marine colonel, enters and takes his place at the bench. We can HEAR the band in the background.>>完整场景
EXT. THE PARADE GROUNDS - DAY A bright, sunny morning. The BAND is performing for a group of day campers.>>完整场景
HIGH ANGLE of the entire band an we end credits.>>完整场景