
n. 法西斯主义者;法西斯党员


murderers and their fascist puppetsfrom committing further acts ofrepression against the people ofColombia,' unquote... TwoColombian officials and an American military officer diedin last Thursday's blast. Also killed were Anne Pitt, wife of a New York City firefighter, andtheir only child, four-year-oldMatt... The President has vowed that the United States will avengewhat he called 'this monstrous act of barbarism and cowardice'... Intelligence sources say theidentity and whereabouts of TheWolf remain a mystery. Theybelieve he has worked closely withradical elements in Latin America for more than twenty years andhave linked him to numerous terrorist bombings, including the1983 downing of a Peruvianairliner, which killed forty-twopeople, eleven of themAmericans... The head of the Latin America Indigenous People'sCommittee, a group known to besympathetic to the radicals inColombia, talked to News Six in Queens.
>> 间接伤害 Collateral Damage Movie Script
You're a fascist, clark!
>> 铁腕校长Lean on Me Movie Script
Me and Standish and Redding are doing the anti-pep rally... to point out that a violent ground acquisition game... such as football is, in fact... a crypto-fascist metaphor for nuclear war.
>> 大儿子小爸爸 Back to School Movie Script
Isnt it interesting how fascists always steal the word freedom "freedom".
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I sold communist-made bullets to fascists.
>> 战争之王 Lord Of War Movie Script
He's a Fascist.'' And it's important to remember that Fascism back then wasn't about the Holocaust.
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Don't do it! Don't do it! It's not gonna work! Move, you fascist! Blowing up the Breach, it's not gonna work!
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