
n. 体育馆;健身房


INT. THE GYMNASIUM - NIGHT ROSS is playing a game of full-court basketball with some other OFFICERS.>>完整场景
539. The astronaut, an astronomy fan, is astonished at the gymnastics show in the gymnasium.>>完整场景
ANGLE BETWEEN SCHOOL BUILDINGS, where a trash dumpster looms in a LOW ANGLE, part of the clutter behind the gymnasium.>>完整场景
The little team that could, Average Joe's Gymnasium, underdogs throughout, stand before us, aglow, as true dodgeball champions.>>完整场景
Average Joe's Gymnasium hopes to drive their vorpal blade snicker-snack into the heart of the dodgeball Jabberwocky that is the Globo Gym Purple Cobras, and walk away with $50,000 in stone-cold cash.>>完整场景
Here comes the relatively unknown challengers, a regional qualifying team, Average Joe's Gymnasium.>>完整场景
Forrest takes his paddle and runs out of the gymnasium.>>完整场景
(over television) Vice President Ford will be sworn in as President at that hour in this office. As I recall the high hopes for America with which we began this second term, I feel a great sadness that I will not be here in this office... Forrest is playing ping-pong by himself at the gymnasium. An officer steps up to him.>>完整场景
Forrest hangs up the phone. The camera tilts down, revealing the hotel stationary, which reads "The Watergate Hotel." INT. GYMNASIUM - DAY President Nixon makes a resignation speech on TV.>>完整场景

INT. GYMNASIUM - AFTERNOON It's a large shadowy GYM. Climbing ropes hang from the wood beamed ceiling. Cole is trembling slightly as he stands next to Malcolm.