
n. 索马里人;索马里语


POWELL watches as the beetle image shows the older Somali Man cross the room to adjusts A CAMERA ON A TRIPOD. It faces A BLACK Al-Shabaab BANNER hanging on a wall.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
AN OLDER SOMALI MAN is bent over the bed.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
MAJOR OWITI: Al-Shabaab controls that neighbourhood. Every stranger is suspicious. Even a Somali.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
COLONEL POWELL: Even if you use a Somali?
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MAJOR OWITI: (into his headset) It belongs to Amadu Mukhtar. He’s a Somali trader but there is no other intel on him.
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She puts up the image of Ahmed with Al-Shabaab leaders: COLONEL POWELL (CONT’D) Due to visit the house is this man, Abdullah Al-Hady, a Somali... She puts up an image of Al-Hady.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
IMAGE ANALYST: Yeah. Muhammad Abdisalaam. Somali.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
JAMA FARAH, a Kenyan of Somali origin, in his hat, jeans, shirt, glances about while he waits for his food.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
REPORTER’S VOICE Somali Al-Shabaab militants have posted this picture of an unnamed man they say they have executed in Nairobi. The group claims he was working for British military intelligence attempting to infiltrate their international recruitment networks. Al-Shabaab want to impose their strict version of Sharia law across the horn of Africa. They bitterly resent the role of Britain and the Kenyan military in propping up the UN backed Somali government in Mogadishu. The Ministry of Defense has declined to comment, but denounced the execution as “sickening.” Affected, but stoic, POWELL watches in icy silence.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
Below the images of Danford and Al-Hady are dozens of other YOUNG FACES - some Western dressed, some local Somali fighters with weapons.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
The faces are mostly Somali, but we also notice a young British Muslim student named RASHEED HAMUD, and a young American named MUHAMMAD ABDISALAAM. (Note: It does not matter whether we know their nationality at this point, but their dress is clearly western.) One photograph in particular stands out from the rest: A WHITE WOMAN wearing a deep blue head scarf (a hijab) which covers her hair. The name SUSAN HELEN DANFORD appears beneath the picture, as well as the name “AYESHA AL-HADY.” Another picture shows Danford without her hijab. She’s an attractive woman in her early thirties.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
Their home is in a Somali Militia controlled neighbourhood of Nairobi. The sun has just risen, but people are already on the move.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
FATIMA MO’ALLIM, early 30's, slender, Somali, reaches in and places loaves of unbaked bread into the wood-fire oven.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script