词汇:facility [fəˈsɪləti]
n. 设备;灵巧;容易;设施
- Captain Price:
Ok, we're in. We fade to black, text says Hours later as We cut to The satellite tracks the joint team of SAS and Marines as they escape the Russian launch facility at the Altay Mountains, Russia. Red arrows and circles indicate enemy presence moving in to stop them.>> Modern Warfare 07 Movie Script- SSgt. Griggs:
Incoming! They breach the launch facility.>> Modern Warfare 07 Movie Script
传入!他们破坏了发射设施。- Marine:
Team Two rappelling now; Team Three rappeling inside facility. Stalls a while a Hind is getting closer.>> Modern Warfare 07 Movie Script
第二队正在说唱;三队在设施内敲击。停了一会儿,一只印地人越来越近了。- Captain Price:
Through the gate! Let's go! They enter the facility's launch grounds. Two BMPs fire at them.>> Modern Warfare 07 Movie Script- Captain Price:
Copy! Keep us posted! Out! The team engages enemy foot-mobiles as they enter the launch facility.>> Modern Warfare 07 Movie Script- SSgt. Griggs:
It's on now, Captain. They move to the front gate fence of the facility. The joint team of SAS and Marines heads towards the launch facility.>> Modern Warfare 07 Movie Script- Command:
Uh...roger Bravo Six, our satellites are tracking them now. Get your team inside the facility and retake the launch control center. We're working on getting the abort codes from the Russians at this time. Out.>> Modern Warfare 07 Movie Script- SAS:
Heads up! Watch for those RPGs on the rooftops! Kilo Four Foxtrot:Bravo Six, be advised, three trucks packed with shooters are headed your way. They engage the vehicles and eliminates all enemy troops. As they head towards the facility, sirens are heard from a distance. Kilo Four Foxtrot:Bravo Six, Sniper Team Two. We're coming out of the treeline to the south. Sniper Team Two meets up with Bravo Team.>> Modern Warfare 07 Movie Script- Captain Price:
Move. As they move on, an alarm can be heard from the launch facility and helicopters are seen flying overhead.>> Modern Warfare 07 Movie Script- Captain Price:
Soap - do it! Soap blows the charges. The tower falls, disabling the facility's power.>> Modern Warfare 07 Movie Script- Captain Price:
It's quite simple. Either we retake the launch facility or we won't recognize the world tomorrow. Green light to HALO. Charlie Team go. Second drop approaching. Bravo Team stay tight. Go. While the satellite tracks Sgt. "Soap" MacTavish and his team, SSgt. Griggs is tracked landing half a mile away from the group. The team lands.>> Modern Warfare 07 Movie Script- Imran Zakhaev:
They are the invaders. Videofeed shows Imran Zakhaev and his Ultranationalist army at a nuclear launch facility arming a nuclear missile.>> Modern Warfare 07 Movie Script