- had gathered>> A Cold Welcome
- EXT. SIDEWALK (FULL SPEED) -- CONTINUOUS A crowd of onlookers have gathered. Chuckie addresses them.>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- INT. M.I.T. HALLWAY -- LATER Lambeau, still in his reunion formal-wear, strides down the hallway, carrying some papers. A group of students have gathered by the chalkboard. They part like the red sea as he approaches the board. Using the papers in hand, he checks the proof.>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- INT. WARSAW APARTMENT - NIGHT The family are gathered around the table, listening to Father reading from the newspaper.>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
- Well, isn't it enough that you gathered every other man's heart today? You always had mine. You cut your teeth on it.>> 飘 Gone with the Wind Movie Script
- Fabrizio and Tommy push past the stewards, going the other way. They rech a huge crowd gathered at the bottom of the MAIN 3RD CLASS STAIRWELL. Fabrizio spots Helga with the rest of the Dahl family, standing patiently with suitcases in hand. He reaches her and she grins, hugging him.>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
- 169 INT. A-DECK FOYER A large number of First Class passengers have gathered near the staircase.>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
- 85 INT. THIRD CLASS GENERAL ROOM Crow led and alive with music, laughter and raucous carrying on. An ad hoc band is gathered near the upright piano, honking out lively stomping music on fiddle, accoridon and tambourine. People of all ages are dancing, drinking beer and wine, smoking, laughing, even brawling.>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
- We are on the Russian research vessel AKADEMIK MISTISLAV KELDYSH. A crowd has gathered, including most of the crew of KELDYSH, the sub crews, and a hand-wringing money guy named BOBBY BUELL who represents the limited partners. There is also a documentary video crew, hired by Lovett to cover his moment of glory.>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
- [Tony and Bruce jump a bit, and quickly groan at Rocket's joke. Scene cuts to another room with the new finished gauntlet. Everyone is gathered around it.]>> Avengers: Endgame 复仇者联盟4:终局之战 Movie Script
- [We see shots of New York City, seemingly abandoned. There are a lot of boats gathered around a dock, all abandoned. A baseball stadium comes into view, with no life present at all. The aftermath of the Decimation is evident, and Earth has not coped well.] [Cut to an abandoned cafe, with a poster on the wall labeled "WHERE DO WE GO, NOW THAT THEY'RE GONE?". A therapy session is taking place with Steve Rogers and seven other people.]>> Avengers: Endgame 复仇者联盟4:终局之战 Movie Script
- - We have gathered a lot of earth oil.>> Nomad: The Warrior 游牧战士 Movie Script
- That is why l gathered the tribes here today.>> Nomad: The Warrior 游牧战士 Movie Script
- Once long ago, on the eve of a great battle, Genghis Khan gathered his men together to demonstrate the importance of unity.>> Nomad: The Warrior 游牧战士 Movie Script
- l gathered them from all parts of the Kazakh steppe.
我从哈萨克大草原的各个地方收集了它们。>> Nomad: The Warrior 游牧战士 Movie Script- Dearly beloved, we be gathered here today... To nail your gizzards to the mast, you poxy cur.>> Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End加勒比海盗:世界的尽头 Movie Script
- INT. BRIDGE OF THE HORNET - DAY Doolittle finds the Admiral gathered with his staff, their mood is grim.>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
- INT. THE CARRIER HORNET - BRIEFING ROOM - DAY The pilots are gathered expectantly in the carrier's conference room. Doolittle strides in.>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
- MONTAGE - INTERCUT with the planes practicing their short takeoffs, we see Roosevelt in one of his fireside chats, his voice broadcast across America... ROOSEVELT'S VOICE Good evening, America... Families all across America are gathered around radios, listening.>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
- The facts speak for themselves. With confidence in our armed forces -- with the unbounding determination of our people -- we will gain the inevitable triumph -- so help us God. I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7, 1941, a state of war -- The words echoes out across America -- ROOSEVELT'S VOICE War...war...war... It rings through the radios of farm houses, to country boys gathered round; in the pool halls of big cities; in the fire houses and high schools... THE LINES AT RECRUITING STATIONS all across America -- men line up faster than the recruiters can handle them.>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
- INT. PENTAGON - DAY ADMIRALS and other OFFICERS are gathered around a giant map of the Pacific.>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
- EXT. JAPANESE ISLAND - DAY Yamamoto and his planners have flown to a quiet Japanese island, sunlit and pleasant. They are gathered on the shore of the island's natural harbor. Wooden targets -- basically huge plank barriers -- are sunk into the water like ships at anchor. A squadron of Japanese planes zooms overhead, taking up attack positions.>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
- INT. A MOVING TRAIN - DAY The trains of 1942 have their own beauty, with felt seats, shaded lamps, and paneled compartments even in the economy section. But the glow of the train is outshone by EVELYN STEWART. She's one of ten young women, Army nurses, gathered at one end of the car as it rattles along the track.>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
- And then, to the other extreme of the estate, is a small grouping of about twenty to thirty people, gathered near Michael's house.>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
- EXT. THE CORLEONE ESTATE AT TAHOE - FULL VIEW - DAY A collection of dark cars and black limousines are gathered to one side. A few drivers wait quietly.>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script