
vi. 定居;下陷;解决;沉淀


“My husband’s dying,” Clara said. “But whether he’s dead or alive, I’ll still raise that child.” “I don’t know what to do,” July said. “It’s been so long since I done anything right that I can’t remember it. I don’t know if I’ll ever get Ellie back to Fort Smith. They might even have hired a new sheriff by now.” “Finding a job’s the least of your problems,” Clara said. “I’ll give you a job, if you want one. Cholo’s been doing Bob’s work and his too, and he can’t keep it up forever.” “I always lived in Arkansas,” July said. It had never occurred to him that he might settle anywhere else.>>完整场景
“I’ll settle you when I come back, Jasper,” he said. “You’ve provoked me once too often.” “Hell, you better run for the border, then, Jas,” Soupy Jones said. “With a top hand like Dish after you, you won’t stand a chance.” Dish had to mount holding the plate, which was awkward, but no one offered to help.>>完整场景
“It’s like trying to keep up with a tumbleweed,” Jennie said. “Dee wears out one town and then he’s off to another. I ain’t that way. I like to settle in. I been here in Dodge five years already and I guess this is where I’ll stay.” “I don’t know why she married me,” July said. “I ain’t got any idea about it.” Jennie looked at him for a bit. “Do you always drink like this?” she asked.>>完整场景
“Kill him tomorrow,” Blue Duck said, looking at Ermoke. “Take some of the horses and go find some help.” Ermoke was drunk and angry. “We do it,” he said. “Then we take the woman.” “The hell you will,” Dog Face said. “We’re in on this and she’s half ours, and you ain’t taking her nowhere.” “You shut up, or I’ll kill you like I killed that chigger,” Blue Duck said.“You get some help,” he said again, looking at Ermoke. “I doubt you five can kill that old man.” “Hell, what is he?” Monkey John said. “Five against one’s nice odds.” “These five can’t shoot,” Blue Duck said. “They can whoop and holler, but they can’t shoot. That old man can.” “That makes a difference,” Dog Face agreed. “I can shoot. If he gets past Ermoke, I’ll finish him.” “Somebody better settle him,” Blue Duck said. “Otherwise you’ll all be dead.” The Kiowas stood up and drug the dead boy away. Lorena heard them arguing in the darkness. Blue Duck sat where he was, his rifle across his lap; he seemed half asleep.>>完整场景
“I wish they’d stick,” he said many times. “If they would, there’d soon be enough of them to beat back the Indians.” “You ain’t never laid in bed all night with a scared woman,” Augustus said. “You can’t start a farm if you’ve got to live in afort. Them that starts the farms have got to settle off by themselves, which means they’re easy to cut off and carve up.” “Well, they could leave the women for a while,” Call said. “Send for them when it’s safe.” “Yes, but a man that goes to the trouble to take a wife don’t generally want to go off and leave her,” Augustus pointed out. “It means doing the chores all by yourself. Besides, without a wife handy you won’t be getting no kids, and kids are a wonderful source of free labor. They’re cheaper than slaves by a damn sight.” They had argued the point for years, but fruitlessly, for Call had no sympathy for human weakness. Augustus put it down to a lack of imagination. Call could never imagine what it was like to be scared. They had been in tight spots, but usually that meant action, and in battles things happened too fast for fear to paralyze the mind of a man like Call. He couldn’t imagine what it was like to go to bed every night scared that you and your family would feel the knives of the Comanches before sunrise.>>完整场景
“No,” the cook said. “I’m planning to marry and settle down here in north Texas.” “I hope you marry somebody who can cook,” Wilbarger said. “If you do, let me know. When she gets ready to leave you, I’ll hire her.” He looked around at Joe. “Need a job, son?” he asked. “We need a boy that don’t ask questions and is handy with an ax. I don’t know about your chopping skills, but you ain’t asked a question yet.” Wilbarger seemed serious, and July was tempted to let Joe do it. Going north with a herd would be good experience for him. The main advantage, though, was that he himself could then travel alone, with just his thoughts. Without Joe to look after, he could better accomplish the main task ahead, which was to find Elmira.>>完整场景
“He’s young and innocent,” Augustus said. “That’s why I picked him. He’ll just moon over her a little. If I’d sent one of the full-grown rowdies, Jake might have come back and shot him. I doubt he’d shoot Newt.” “I doubt he’ll even come back, myself,” Call said. “That girl ought to have stayed in Lonesome Dove.” “If you was a young girl, with life before you, would you want to settle in Lonesome Dove?” Augustus asked. “Maggie done it, and look how long she lasted.” “She might have died anyplace,” Call said. “I’ll die someplace, and so will you—it might not be no better place than Lonesome Dove.” “It ain’t dying I’m talking about, it’s living,” Augustus said. “I doubt it matters where you die, but it matters where you live.” Call got up and went to catch his night horse. Without thinking, he caught the Hell Bitch again, though he had just turned her loose. One of the Spettle boys looked at him curiously and said nothing. Call saddled the Hell Bitch anyway and rode around the herd to see that all was in place. The cattle were calm, most of them already bedded down. Needle Nelson, perennially sleepy, dozed in his saddle.>>完整场景
They could accompany the Irishman and we’d have more of a singsong.” “I’ll settle for more of a wagon,” Call said.>>完整场景
“Well, I don’t take back nothing I said,” Louisa declared. “You men are a worthless race. You’re good for a bounce now and then, and that’s about it. I doubt you’d make much of a fanner.” For some reason Roscoe felt melancholy. For all her loud talk, Louisa didn’t seem to be as disagreeable to him as he had first thought her to be. It seemed to him she might be persuaded to tone down her farming, maybe even move into a town and settle for putting in a big garden, if it was presented to her right. But he couldn’t, because there was the problem of July, who had given him a job and been good to him. The point was, he owed July. Even if he never found him, he had to make the effort, or know that he had failed a friend. Had it not been for that obligation he would have stayed a“It ain’t that I ain’t obliged,” he said. “I’m obliged. The dern thing about it is July. Even if Elmira ain’t coming back, he’s got to be told. It’s my dern job, too. July’s the only friend I got in that town except Joe. Joe’s Elmira’s boy.” Then a happy thought occurred to him. Maybe July had made a slow start. He might not be too far ahead. Perhaps his jaundice had come back on him, in which case he might have had to hole up for a few days. If he himself was lucky he might strike July in a week or two and break the news. Once that was done, his obligation would be satisfied and there would be nothing to keep him from coming back for another visit with Louisa—provided he could find the farm a second time.>>完整场景
“Ed’s a snake,” Louisa said. “Big rattler. I named him after my uncle, because they’re both lazy. I let Ed stay around because he holds down the rodents. He don’t bother me and I don’t bother him. But he hangs out around to the back, so watch out where you throw down your blanket.” Roscoe did watch. He stepped so gingerly, getting his bedding arranged, that it took him nearly twenty minutes to settle down. Then he couldn’t get the thought of the big snake off his mind. He had never heard of anyone naming a snake before, but then nothing she did accorded with any procedure he was familiar with. The fact that she had mentioned the snake meant that he had little chance of getting to sleep. He had heard that snakes had a habit of crawling in with people, and he definitely didn’t want to be crawled in with. He wrapped his blanket around him tightly to prevent Ed from slipping in, but it was a hot sultry night and he was soon sweating so profusely that he couldn’t sleep anyway. There were plenty of grass and weeds around, and every time anything moved in the grass he imagined it to be the big rattler. The snake might get along with Louisa, but that didn’t mean he would accept strangers.>>完整场景
Going along with a drive would be a good enough way to get back to Denver. Of course, that didn’t settle the question of Lorie, exactly.>>完整场景
“I know that, honey,” Augustus said. “The minute I looked up the road and seen Jake coming, I knew you and him would settle in. Jake’s a good hand to settle in with, I admit—a sight better than me. But the fact is he went out to the cow camp at the wrong time and Call put him to work. Call don’t appreciate Jake’s restful qualities like you and me do. He’s been fretting for a week because Jake wasn’t working, and now that he’s got him you can bet he’ll keep him a day or two.” Lorena looked at Lippy, wishing he wasn’t there. But Lippy sat, astonished at what he was hearing. His lip hung down like a flap of some kind, as it always did when he forgot himself.>>完整场景
“Why, I don’t know,” Augustus said. “I’ve never given the matter no thought, and so far as I know you haven’t either. I do think we’re a shade old to do much Indian fighting.” “There won’t be much,” Call said. “You heard Jake. It’s the same up there as it is down here. The Indians will soon be whipped. And Jake does know good country when he sees it. It sounds like a cattleman’s paradise.” “No, it sounds like a goddamn wilderness,” Augustus said. “Why, there ain’t even a house to go to. I’ve slept on the ground enough for one life. Now I’m in the mood for a little civilization. I don’t have to have oprys and streetcars, but I do enjoy a decent bed and a roof to keep out the weather.” “He said there were fortunes to be made,” Call said. “It stands to reason he’s right. Somebody’s gonna settle it up and get that land. Suppose we got there first. We could buy you forty beds.” The surprising thing to Augustus was not just what Call was suggesting but how he sounded. For years Call had looked at life as if it were essentially over. Call had never been a man who could think of much reason for acting happy, but then he had always been one who knew his purpose. His purpose was to get done what needed to be done, and what needed to be done was simple, if not easy. The settlers of Texas needed protection, from Indians on the north and bandits on the south. As a Ranger, Call had had a job that fit him, and he had gone about the work with a vigor that would have passed for happiness in another man.>>完整场景
From a distance, standing in the pale street, he saw two shadows against the yellow box of light from Lorie’s room. She wasn’t that set against Dish, it seemed to him, and she had been pepped up from the card playing. Maybe even Lorie would be surprised and find a liking for the boy. Occasionally he had known sporting women to marry and do well at it—ifLorie were so inclined Dish Boggett would not be a bad man to settle on.>>完整场景
Newt had more imagination. He turned and looked across the river, where a big darkness was about to settle. Every now and then, about sundown, the Captain and Augustus and Pea and Deets would strap on guns and ride off into that darkness, into Mexico, to return about sunup with thirty or forty horses or perhaps a hundred skinny cattle. It was the way the stock business seemed to work along the border, the Mexican ranchers raiding north while the Texans raided south. Some of the skinny cattle spent their lives being chased back and forth across the Rio Grande. Newt’s fondest hope was to get old enough to be taken along on the raids. Many a night he lay in his hot little bunk, listening to old Bolivar shore and mumble below him, peering out the window toward Mexico, imagining the wild doings that must be going on.>>完整场景
Wants to settle down in the outback, does she?>>完整场景
Since the disaster that shocked the world in 2015, the Masrani Corporation has paid out more than $800 million in damages to settle class action lawsuits brought by survivors.>>完整场景
The rex stands majestically in the middle of the lobby, both skeletons swept away, SNAPPING like matchsticks as they settle around the animal.>>完整场景
69HEXT. TREETOPS - NIGHT (LATER)69H Everyone's moved to different branches, trying to settle in for the night. Paul keeps looking over to the tearful Amanda, about to say something. He finally does.>>完整场景
[Shouting] Elsie, I don't have the power to settle this strike.>>完整场景
STEVE MADDEN: And as they ad lib greetings, settle in at the couch: JORDAN (V.O.) Steve Madden, the shoe designer, was a childhood friend of Donnie’s, but I didn’t hold that against him. Remember those ads, those giant-headed girls with bugeyes wearing those big clunkyshoes?>>完整场景
The guys straighten up and head to desk, settle in. Max * blows in past her, waving a 3-inch-thick bill:>>完整场景
And as his Brokers settle in to folding chairs->>完整场景
RICHIE DIMASO: That's what that phone call's about. Everybody thought, "Oh, Richie DiMaso's gonna stay in the office, pushing papers." That's not gonna happen, Mom. I'm outside in the field. I got people working for me. My ideas. I'm running the show. I'm the quarterback. And I'm not gonna settle for no one, Mom.>>完整场景
A devilish smile. Pushing past Edward, we settle on thewhirling fan.>>完整场景