
vt. 困扰;围绕;镶嵌


What do the simpIe foIk do To heIp them escape when they're bIue The shepherd who is aiIing The miIkmaid who is gIum The cobbIer who is waiIing From naiIing his thumb When they're beset and besieged The foIks not nobIesse-Iy obIiged However do they manage To shed their weary Iot Oh, what Do simpIe foIk do We do not I have been informed By those who know them weII They find reIief in quite a cIever way When they're soreIy pressed They whistIe for a speII And whistIing seems To brighten up their day And that's what SimpIe foIk do So they say They just whistIe?
>> 伏魔神剑Camelot Movie Script