
adj. 已承兑或付款的;受尊敬的


Oh, Connie... l am honored, Don Altobello, that you've come from Palermo to visit me.>>完整场景
(Senator from New York, very smooth, partly liberal, Tammany Hall) Let me agree with that. Many of my constituents are Italian and have been honored with that certain friendship by my close Italian friends. Up to this point before I have to leave this hearing to join my own committee, let me say, that this hearing on the Mafia is in no way a slur on the Italians by the Senate; nor is it meant to be; nor will I allow it to be. Italian Americans are the hardest working, most law abiding patriotic Americans of our country. It is a shame and a pity that a few rotten apples give them a bad name. We are here to weed those rotten apples out of the vast healthy barrel of Italian Americans, who are one of the backbones of our country.>>完整场景
(with difficulty) Don Corleone...I am honored, and grateful...that you invited me to your home...on the wedding day of your...daughter.>>完整场景
Next he had put his name and Call’s, his first because he was two years older and felt seniority should be honored. Call didn’t care—his pride ran in other directions. Anyway he soon came to dislike the sign so much that he would just as soon not have had his name on it at all.>>完整场景
No, we're never closed I'm Mr. Novak, director of the Lindstroem Record Company We'd be honored if you and the composer would join us later for a glass of champagne With pleasure The fact remains: The composer and the composition are unknown We'll have to give the radio directors something so the record gets played That could be interpreted as bribery It's only bribery if it's not enough One could slip something to someone at the radio station But it would have to be deducted from the composer's royalties Half of it Pardon?>>完整场景
We are honored to be respected.>>完整场景
As our honored guest.>>完整场景
Well, Mr. Stevens, I'm honored, but I do have other clients.>>完整场景
I'm honored to be among you, miIady.>>完整场景
It is the least I can do for the honored leader of the Anla-Shok.>>完整场景
I'm honored that you should travel so far.>>完整场景
Yes, the big 'celebration' of my mandatory retirement birthday. You're an honored guest, Eddie.>>完整场景