
adv. 便宜地;廉价地


Jamie and Charlie found: Markets will sell options very cheaply on things they think will never happen.>>完整场景
“I swear,” Pea Eye said. “He didn’t wait for you, Gus.” “Nope, he died fine,” Augustus said. “Go dig him a grave, will you, Pea?” They buried Jake Spoon by moonlight on the slope above the creek and, after some discussion, cut down Roy Suggs and little Eddie, plus the old man Dan Suggs had killed, a drummer named Collins with a wagonful of patent medicines. There was a good lantern in the wagon, which, besides the medicines, contained four white rabbits in a cage. The old man had run a medicine show, evidently, and did a little magic. The wagon contained a lot of cheaply printed circulars which advertised the show.>>完整场景
For a while, we could sell grains so cheaply anywhere in the world, farmers in other countries who aren't being subsidized could not compete with us.>>完整场景