
adj. 忧郁的;使人悲伤的


I will not have some melancholy Spanish monarch a Catholic, gain eternal life !
>> Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides 加勒比海盗:惊涛怪浪 Movie Script
“I’ll explain it when I get back,” Augustus said. “Come on, Pea, let’s go see if we can find Canada.” They loped off, watched by the whole camp. The crew had been made melancholy by the approaching clouds. Po Campo had wandered off looking for roots.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
The herd was grazing peacefully on the rolling slopes. The hands who were left, boys mostly, looked melancholy at the thought of the opportunities they were missing.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Well, I don’t take back nothing I said,” Louisa declared. “You men are a worthless race. You’re good for a bounce now and then, and that’s about it. I doubt you’d make much of a fanner.” For some reason Roscoe felt melancholy. For all her loud talk, Louisa didn’t seem to be as disagreeable to him as he had first thought her to be. It seemed to him she might be persuaded to tone down her farming, maybe even move into a town and settle for putting in a big garden, if it was presented to her right. But he couldn’t, because there was the problem of July, who had given him a job and been good to him. The point was, he owed July. Even if he never found him, he had to make the effort, or know that he had failed a friend. Had it not been for that obligation he would have stayed a“It ain’t that I ain’t obliged,” he said. “I’m obliged. The dern thing about it is July. Even if Elmira ain’t coming back, he’s got to be told. It’s my dern job, too. July’s the only friend I got in that town except Joe. Joe’s Elmira’s boy.” Then a happy thought occurred to him. Maybe July had made a slow start. He might not be too far ahead. Perhaps his jaundice had come back on him, in which case he might have had to hole up for a few days. If he himself was lucky he might strike July in a week or two and break the news. Once that was done, his obligation would be satisfied and there would be nothing to keep him from coming back for another visit with Louisa—provided he could find the farm a second time.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Why Latin?” Call asked. “I thought it was Greek you knew.” “I did know my letters once,” he said. He was fairly drunk, and feeling melancholy about all the sinking he had done in the world. Throughout the rough years the Greek alphabet had leaked out of his mind a letter at a time—in fact, the candle of knowledge he had set out with had burned down to a sorry stub.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
The cause of Dish’s melancholy was not lost on Augustus.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Xavier himself had a near-monopoly on fastidiousness in Lonesome Dove. He wore a white shirt the year round, clipped his little mustache once a week and even wore a bow tie, or, at least, a black shoestring that did its best to serve as a bow tie. Some cowpoke had swiped Xavier’s last real bow tie, probably meaning to try and impress some girl somewhere up the trail. Since the shoestring was limp, and not stiff like a bow tie should be, it merely added to the melancholy of Xavier’s appearance, which would have been melancholy enough without it. He had been born in New Orleans and had ended up in Lonesome Dove because someone had convinced him Texas was the land of opportunity. Though he soon discovered otherwise, he was too proud or too fatalistic to attempt to correct his mistake. He approached day-to-day life in the Dry Bean with a resigned temper, which on occasion stopped being resigned and became explosive. When it exploded, the placid air was apt to be rent by Creole curses.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
A little melancholy, but pretty We should record it With the title gold on red on the label Miss llona, Would you be my wife?
>> 布达佩斯之恋Gloomy Sunday AKA The Piano Player) Movie Script
You're the first person in a thousand years who has lifted my melancholy.
>> Monster Family Movie Script
A wild burst of laughter. PUSH IN on Red. Feeling melancholy.
>> 肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script