
n. 怨恨;恶意;预谋


That I served my country faithfully and honorably in World War II and was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for actions in defense of my country. That I have never been arrested or indicted for any crime whatsoever... that no proof linking me to any criminal conspiracy, whether it is called Mafia or Cosa Nostra or whatever other name you wish to give, has ever been made public. Only one man has made charges against me, and that man is known to be a murderer, arsonist and rapist. And yet this committee had used this person to besmirch my name. My personal protest can only be made to the people of this country. I can only thank God that in this country we have a legal system and courts of law to protect innocent people from wild accusation. I thank God for our democratic due process of Law that shields me from the false charges made by this committee's witness. I have not taken refuge behind the Fifth Amendment, though counsel advised me to do so. I challenge this committee to produce any witness or evidence against me, and if they do not, I hope they will have the decency to clear my name with the same publicity with which they have now besmirched it. I ask this without malice, in the interests of fair play.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
My friends, I didn't refuse out of malice. You all know me. When have I ever refused an accommodation?
>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
She'll close and be herself whilst our poor malice remains in danger of her former tooth.
>> Macbeth Movie Script
And Hilda, you've got such promise, yet you're squandering it on malice.
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who I dont believe is guided by malice.
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