n. 道路;方法;方向;习惯;行业
- So that is a very quick tour of Rails, this is a wonderful way of getting started,just to use those scaffold generators and the authentication generators to get something going, get a Hello world out there, start working on your application, and before you know it, you might just be taking your application all the way from Hello World to IPO.
这是Rails的快速浏览,这是一种很好的入门方式,只需使用这些脚手架生成器和身份验证生成器即可开始工作,创建一个Hello world,开始开发你的应用程序,不知不觉中,你可能会把你的应用程序从Hello world一直带到IPO。>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company- So, be careful when you create things, that are gonna be created on the server side in your real database.The database, by the way? we haven't talked much about that, and that is because we're using SQLite. So, there is nothing to configure,there's nothing to set up, SQLite is now a suitable database for production with Rails. we have tuned it with all the right pragmas,to run SQLite well in production, you of course still need to set up a way to back that up, but everything else is preconfigured for you.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- Kamal console:
- Kamal also gives you a way to start a console on the server side that is just like the console I showed you earlier that ran in development! You can see here, it reminds you that you are in production.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- Because we had not run our DB seeds! Now, I could run DB seed in production, but let me show you another way doing it .>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- Now, let's add a way to sign out to the main layout here. we can add that with a button to sign out.it's gonna hit the session path, and it's gonna use a method of delete that session if we're authenticated, as you can see there.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- the way she was dressed.>> 57-Can I Help You, Madam?
- after going out of his way to help his friend get the job he felt not appreciated but used>> 55-Not a Gold Mine
- We tried it with the predictable results and life is so much more fun this way too. I mean, who wants to spend their life trying to change people from their natural...>> we make silk purses out of silk
- And that is basically it. Now if I go over here and I add a comment to one of these, you see the comment was added on the left immediately at the same time. That's all web sockets automatically happening through action cable. And we can do it , of course the other way as well.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- And if we hop into our comment, we can set up a broadcast_to for that post. The broadcast_to will broadcast all update made to that comment, whether a new comment is updated or an existing comment is changed in some way or even one deleted, and send it back out to a channel on action cable named after the post association that this comment belongs to!>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- So let's actually also create the other direction of this association. You saw a comment belongs to a post, but then we're also gonna make the post has many comments. Now, we have a bidirectional association that we can work with in both ways.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- Now again, if you don't want any of this stuff, there is a way using JS bundler dash Rails to set things up in a more traditional way using ES build and what have you. But this is a wonderful way of developing modern web application.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- 12:47:
- but everything else, turbo and stimulus, if they're not changing, we're not downloading that. That is why no building is such an efficient way of dealing with caching.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- And then, there's the stimulus framework for creating that additional functionality that you might need in a really simple way. You can have a look at hotwire.dev to see more about that, but what we're gonna add here is a little piece of JavaScript to just add some additional functionality, pulling something in from pin.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- Now, let's add a bit of custom JavaScript. Rails by default ships with Hotwire! Hotwire gives you Turbo, which is a way of accelerating page changes and updates is that your application will feel as fast and as smooth as a single page application without you basically having to write any JavaScript at all.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- Active Storage is a way to deal with attachments and other files in your Rails application. When you run it through action_text:install, it'll automatically set up those active storage tables that we need, there is one for blob,and then we have one for text here.We run migrations to set that up again, and now that we've run action_text:install, it also added a couple of gems, so we need to restart our development server. I do that just by exiting out and just running the server again!>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- Now , Rails has a bunch of different ways you can do the CSS, there's also a path where you can use Tailwind. Lots of people like that for good reason, and there are a bunch of different options, all the major CSS frameworks are available, but by default, we ship with a no build, as I said, intention and simple CSS just make things look prettier without having to adorn anything with classes, or what have you.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- I'll generously add $0.35 to cover the transaction fees so you can keep 100% of my donation. Monthly support is the best way to ensure that Wikipedia keeps thriving.>> 50-Taken for a Ride
- In one way, however, he resembled Dorothy.>> 47-A Thirsty Ghost
- distractions television internet. all of these things that get in the way of you actually sitting down and doing the work and more you're able to use just a little bit of willpower to remove the distractions that are keeping you from practicing. the more likely you are to actually sit down and practice .>> 20 hours and 4 steps to rapid skill acquisition
- Find 3 to 5 resources(books or DVD...). Learn just enough that you can actually practice and self correct or self edit as you practice , so the learning becomes a way of getting better at noticing when you're making a mistake and doing something a little different .>> 20 hours and 4 steps to rapid skill acquisition
- Let me now try to summarize everything I've said in the last 10-15 minutes or so. And I'll summarize it in one sentence. And we'll wounder why it took me that long. We acquire language in one way and only one way. When we get comprehensible input in a low anxiety environment.>> comprehensible input - One way only one way to acquire a language
- Second, it came quickly, By the time Itomi and her family went back to Japan, at the end of the year her English was closing in on the way the other children in the neighborhood were talking.>> comprehensible input - One way only one way to acquire a language
- So I remember going up to the little girl next door.she was four years old. her name was Itomi. And I didn't know about this material on language acquisition. Nobody did.And I thought that the way you get people to acquire language is you get them to practice talking. So I tried to get her to talk. so I'd say: 'Itomi, talk to me!' 'Say good morning','say hi', No response.Well, clearly, I've decided , I've got to make this more concrete."Itomi, say ball", No response.Well obviously, I've got to break it down into its component parts.>> comprehensible input - One way only one way to acquire a language
- Because of this,; In this way ;>> No Parking