

“Hush now,” Deets said. “You a mess. You done rolled in all that blood.” At that moment there was a wild yell from the tepees and Deets looked up to see one of the young braves rushing toward him. He was the one who had picked up the rifle, but he had discarded the rifle and was charging with an old lance, crying his battle cry. Deets held out the baby and smiled—the young man, no older than Newt, didn’t need to cry any battle cry.>>完整场景
51 INT. STAIRWELL, LOGUE'S FLAT - CONTINUOUS 51 Bertie has to pick his way through discarded toys and sporting equipment, explaining to Logue:>>完整场景
Scattered around the yard are half a dozen discarded hoops of different sizes and colors.>>完整场景
It CLATTERS TO THE PAVEMENT a moment later, discarded.>>完整场景
Like a discarded rag doll, Go Go Yubari TUMBLES down the staircase landing in a pile at the Bride's feet. Dead before the tumble began.>>完整场景