
n. 道路;方法;方向;习惯;行业


We can escape in the same way.>>完整场景
For having such a bleak outlook on pirates you're well on your way to becoming one.>>完整场景
There is one way we can end our curse.>>完整场景
Thank you, Commodore, for getting us ready to make way.>>完整场景
Out of my way, scum!>>完整场景
Except, once again, you are between me and my way out.>>完整场景
- On your way.>>完整场景
Make way!>>完整场景
Capitan, there must be another way.>>完整场景
- This way.>>完整场景
I'm glad you see it my way!>>完整场景
The way I see it, it just the two of us left.>>完整场景
Who hurt you? By the way that little slim of knowledge.>>完整场景
I found the way to save my father.>>完整场景
All the way to St Martin, against the tide.>>完整场景
What a horrible way to live.>>完整场景
I think I know a way to break your curse.>>完整场景
There's more than one way to live forever.>>完整场景
By the way, no, I've never actually met Pizarro, but I love his pies.>>完整场景
You're in my way, boy.>>完整场景
Which seems quite grim to me, any way you slice it. Or... Uh... As my learned colleague so naively suggests, we can release Calypso, and we can pray that she will be merciful.>>完整场景
Jones is under the command of Lord Beckett. They're on their way here.>>完整场景
Right this way, Mrs. Fish.>>完整场景
Death has a curious way of reshuffling one's priorities.>>完整场景
God's wounds. He's on his way.>>完整场景