adv. 非正式地;不拘礼节地
- Three:
- find somebody who can chat with you informally, in English specifically like a real native English speaker and preferably make sure that person is somehow interested in you and you're interested in that person. I did that when I was younger I was constantly chatting with some girls online about different things, but not about work, not about computers, not about programming, but just about life, if your are a programmer, you most likely have some customers. You have some people around your projects, try to find informal contacts with those people. Don't talk with them only about Java programming, talk to them about something else, about weather, about politics,about sport, about games, about live, sex, whatever, any subject your find, but make sure this channel is informal and you keep talking every day. you will seriously change your expectations about English language.>> You don't need perfect
- INT. THE BOATHOUSE - VIEW ON MICHAEL - DAY looking through the window at his son and brother. Neri sits in the room, dressed informally.>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
- INT. THE CHAPEL - NIGHT Some quiet, informally dressed couples wait in the rear of the chapel; some talking, others sitting nervously.>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script