
n. 评论;意见;批评


Sidi... I love you It will not complete Can not be completed ! This is illogical With you, the investigator has been giving you permission engaged ! Shot Are you okay? - For - O client has been canceled your comment Thank you, sir Your job has been canceled It is unlocked now Thank you, sir "(We have managed it, I've been able to (Alexander Pearce" Where?>>完整场景
Well this sexy So you're here to Taatrgeny So I lift your comment?>>完整场景
I can't really comment on that.>>完整场景
- offices of his long time legal advisor, Irving Gold in hopes of getting some comment.>>完整场景
“Where’s Pete?” Newt asked, but Jimmy didn’t know.Jimmy’s horse would ride double, but not triple, so Newt had to walk the last two miles, annoyed with himself for not having kept a grip on the reins. It was the second time he had been put afoot on the drive, and he was sure everyone would comment on it the next day.>>完整场景
“You are a sorry sight,” Po Campo said sternly, when Jasper rode in. “I told you it would be that way. Now all your money is gone and all you feel is pain.” Jasper didn’t comment.>>完整场景
“Nope. I keep those hens to talk to me when I’m lonesome,” Clara said. “I’ll only eat the ones who can’t make good conversation.” Betsey wrinkled up her nose, amused by the comment. “Oh, Ma,” she said, “hens don’t talk.” “They talk,” Clara said. “You just don’t understand hen talk. I’m an old hen myself and it makes good sense to me.” “You ain’t old, Ma,” Sally said.>>完整场景
“I wonder if them soddies will get that roof fixed before the next rain?” Dan Suggs said. “If they had had a little more cash, Frog might have left them alone.” Frog Lip didn’t comment.>>完整场景
One even lifted his pistol out of its holster, and Newt’s heart nearly stopped. He expected to be shot with his own gun and felt foolish for allowing it to be taken so easily. But the Indians merely passed it around for comment and then stuck it back in the holster. Newt smiled at them, relieved. If they would give him his gun back, they couldn’t mean to harm him.>>完整场景
Lorena didn’t speak. Newt remembered having heard men comment on the fact that she didn’t talk much. Well, they were right. The only sound from the camp was the sound of crickets. His pride at having been given such an important errand began to fade.>>完整场景
It struck July as an odd comment. He and Roscoe were sitting in front of what passed for a jail in Fort Smith. It just had one cell, and the lock on that didn’t work—when it was necessary to jail someone they had to wrap a chain around the bars.>>完整场景
Lorena made no comment, but Lippy piped up.>>完整场景
“Yes, Jake arrived,” Call said. “He’s been to Montana and says it’s the prettiest country in the world.” “It’s probably filt with women, then,” Maude said. “I remember Jake. If he can’t find a woman he gets so restless he’ll scratch.” Call saw no need to comment on Jake’s criminal status, if any. Fortunately the Raineys were too busy eating to be very curious. The children, who had been well brought up, didn’t try for the better meats, but made do with a platter of chicken and some fryback and cornbread. One little tad, evidently the runt of the family, got nothing but cornbread and chicken gizzards, but he knew better than to complain. With eleven brothers and sisters all bigger than him, complaint would have been dangerous.>>完整场景
Jake’s comment had been mildly made, but it threw Lorena slightly off. She realized he was a finicky man—she could not get away with being lazy about herself, any longer. A man who noticed a frayed collar with a near-naked woman standing right in front of him was a new kind of man to Lorena—one who would soon notice other things, some perhaps more serious than a collar. She felt disheartened; some glow had seeped from the moment. Probably he had already been to San Francisco and seen finer women than her. Perhaps when it came time to leave he wouldn’t want to bother with someone so ill-dressed. Perhaps the surprise that had walked into her life would simply walk back out of it.>>完整场景
“His horse is here,” Call said. “I guess he probably come with it. Do you think he’ll work, once we start?” “No, and I won’t, either,” Augustus said. “You better hire these Irish boys while you got the chance.” “It’s work we’re looking for,” Allen said. “What we don’t know we’ll gladly learn.” Call refrained from comment. Men who didn’t know how to get on and off a horse would not be much use around a cow outfit.>>完整场景
“Whiskey,” Jake said. “He was bull drunk. Before I even noticed, he took a dislike to my dress and pulled his Colt.” “Well, I don’t know what took you to Arkansas in the first place, Jake,” Augustus said. “A fancy dresser like yourself is bound to excite comment in them parts.” Call had found, over the years, that it only did to believe half of what Jake said. Jake was not a bald liar, but once he thought over a scrape, his imagination sort of worked on it and shaded it in his own favor.>>完整场景
Gus, who would talk about anything, seemed to have no information about Mr. Dobbs. “He went west when he shouldn’t have,” was his only comment on the man.>>完整场景
Well, if somebody would make a comment like that, the "L.A. Times" would print it.>>完整场景
Also, I'm not as soft and witless as your comment implies.>>完整场景
Mark swallows a comment about that. Gets to business.>>完整场景
But, at the same time, we don't have a regulator that looks over our, our filings and says, "I want to protect the public from this." Our system... you know, we file with the SEC, and the SEC reads the disclosure, and they comment on, on the disclosure.>>完整场景
Yeah, I opened it under an alias. I posted the paintings and asked people to comment. Every once in a while I hop on and stir the pot to get a good debate going, it's beautiful.>>完整场景
All I meant is that you go to B.U. and so you're not likely to--I wasn't making a comment on your parents--I was saying you go to B.U.>>完整场景
191. Not for a moment has the comment on commercial phenomenon been mentioned.>>完整场景
Mr. Robicheaux, if I'd known it was you, that was your man, I never would've made such a disrespectful comment.>>完整场景