
adj. 有责任的;负责的,可靠的


Nobody is acting responsible!>>完整场景
So now anybody who has a boss, can't be held responsible for doing shitty and illegal things! -What are you? Four?>>完整场景
You know, l always felt responsible for you.>>完整场景
This witness has testified that you are personally responsible for the murder of a New York Police Captain in the year 1947 and with him a man named Virgil Sollozzo. Do you deny this?>>完整场景
You drove old Pete Clemenza to his grave, Carmine; you and your brother. Turning on him; trouble in his territories -- you and your demands. I hold you responsible, just as though you shot him in the head. And I ain't gonna let that go for long!>>完整场景
So, if we do find out who's responsible for it, we will handle it internally.>>完整场景
The D.S. always told us that we're all responsible for what happens.>>完整场景
You are all responsible for anything that happens within your group. What happened yesterday falls on everyone's shoulders. So, all of you will do double work... ANGLE ON GAO: The smug smile gone now.>>完整场景
He found a creek with a good stand of sheltering timber and decided it would do for a headquarters, but he felt no eagerness for the tasks ahead. Work, the one thing that had always belonged to him, no longer seemed to matter. He did it because there was nothing else to do, not because he felt the need. Some days he felt so little interest in the herd and the men that he could simply have ridden off and left them to make the best of things. The old sense of being responsible for their well-being had left him so completely that he often wondered how he could ever have felt it so strongly. The way they looked at him in the morning, as they waited for orders, irritated him more and more. Why should grown men wait for orders every day, after coming three thousand miles?>>完整场景
She longed, sometimes, to talk to a person who actually wrote stories and had them printed in magazines. It interested her to speculate how it was done: whether they used people they knew, or just made people up. Once she had even ordered some big writing tablets, thinking she might try it anyway, even if she didn’t know how, but that was in the hopeful years before her boys died. With all the work that had to be done she never actually sat down and tried to write anything—and then the boys died and her feeling changed. Once the sight of the writing tablets had made her hopeful, but after those deaths it ceased to matter. The tablets were just another reproach to her, something willful she had wanted. She burned the tablets one day, trembling with anger and pain, as if the paper and not the weather had been somehow responsible for the deaths of her boys. And, for a time, she stopped reading the magazines. The stories in them seemed hateful to her: how could people talk that way and spend their time going to balls and parties, when children died and had to be buried?>>完整场景
Dan Suggs was snarling with frustration. He glared at his brothers as if they were solely responsible for Wilbarger’s escape.>>完整场景
He began to try and work out in his mind how many he could let them have without risking dishonor. If they wanted them all, of course, he would just have to fight and be killed, for he could never face the Captain if he had been responsible for the loss of fifty head. But if they could be bought off with two or three, that was different.>>完整场景
The only cowboy who had not performed up to caliber in the emergency was Sean O’Brien, who had been walking out to catch his night horse when the storm hit. He was such a poor roper that Newt usually roped his horses for him, if he happened to be around. This time, of course, he hadn’t been. The Spettles, responsible for the remuda, were afraid Sean’s awkward roping would cause the whole herd to bolt; Bill Spettle had roped a horse for him, but it wasn’t one he could ride. Sean had promptly been bucked off, and when the remuda did bolt, Sean’s horse ran with it. Sean had been forced to ride in the wagon all night, more worried for his life than his reputation. Bolivar had made it clear that he didn’t like passengers.>>完整场景
“In fact some dern Mexicans stole our horses,” he added. “I had heard you men hung all the Mexican horsethieves when you was Rangers, but I guess you missed a few.” “Why, hell, we hung ever one of ’em,” Augustus said, glad to see that their visitor was of an argumentative temper. “It must be the new generation that stole your nags. We ain’t responsible for them.”“This is idle talk,” Wilbarger said. “I happen to be responsible for three thousand cattle and eleven men. If I could buy forty horses, good horses, I’d feel happier. Can you oblige me?” “We expect to have a hundred head available at sunup tomorrow,” Call said. Gus’s talkativeness had one advantage—it often gained him a minute or two in which to formulate plans.>>完整场景
How about a car that's good looking, affordable, and runs on clean, environmentally responsible natural gas?>>完整场景
- The point is, Counsellor... The point is, Your Honour... I am demonstrating - - that Mr. Lang is responsible for the winning ticket.>>完整场景
Because I'm sheriff and because I'm responsible for everybody's safety.>>完整场景
Oh! You're just trying to be clever because you don't want to be responsible.>>完整场景
There is a- There are people who are living- living on the station... for whom I am responsible.>>完整场景
In a way, I guess, I'm the one who's responsible for what happened to Mr. Bykovsky.>>完整场景
Now, they're outgunned and outmanned, like Keystone Cops chasing the starship "Enterprise." Even if the SEC gets its entire wish list of documents from the company and they have enough evidence to pursue a case, the Chinese people responsible for this, don't really care.>>完整场景
I'm responsible for this flower.>>完整场景
I was responsible for her.>>完整场景
You always feel responsible for what you've tamed.>>完整场景
But now I feel sort of responsible for you.>>完整场景