
adj. 整齐的;定期的;有规律的;合格的


EXT. PRESIDENTIAL PALACE - NIGHT Guards who are regular troops patrol the Palace in twos, carrying machine weapons.>>完整场景
It's nothing regular though.>>完整场景
When, however, you've just gone and invaded a place that you probably shouldn't have, you end up fighting against just regular people in regular-people clothes.>>完整场景
My regular enforcers will be inadequate.>>完整场景
It struck him that he had forgotten emptiness such as existed in the country that stretched around him. After all, for years he had lived within the sound of the piano from the Dry Bean, the sound of the church bell in the little Lonesome Dove church, the sound of Bol whacking the dinner bell. He even slept within the sound of Pea Eye’s snoring, which was as regular as the ticking of a clock.>>完整场景
“Prairie chicken,” Janey said. “There was two but one got away.” They ate the prairie chicken and it was as good as any regular chicken Roscoe had ever had. Janey cracked open the bones with her teeth and sucked out the marrow.>>完整场景
“I expect we’ll poison ourselves before we get much farther, with no regular cook,” he said. “I just hope Jasper gets poisoned first.” “I never liked that old man’s cooking anyway,” Jasper said.>>完整场景
“Most of us can’t, either,” Augustus said. “Dish and Newt ain’t never spilt blood, and one of ’em’s drunk anyway.” “Gus, you’d talk to a possum,” Jake said.“I wisht we had one along,” Augustus said. “I’ve seen possums that could outthink this crowd.” After that, the talk died and they all slipped back into the rhythm of the ride. Newt tried hard to stay alert, but their pace was so steady that after a while he stopped thinking and just rode, Deets in front of him, Dish beside him, Pea behind. If he had been sleepy he could almost have gone to sleep at a high trot, it was all so regular.>>完整场景
Once Gus became a regular, she had no trouble making a living in the town, although in the summer, when the cowboys were mostly off on the trail, pickings sometimes grew slim. While she was well past the point of trusting men, she soon perceived that Gus was in a class by himself, at least in Lonesome Dove. He wasn’t mean, and he didn’t treat her like most men treated a sporting woman. She knew he would probably even help her if she ever really needed help. It seemed to her he had got rid of something other men hadn’t got rid of—some meanness or some need. He was the one man besides Lippy she would sometimes talk to—a little. With most of the sports she had nothing at all to say.In fact, her silence soon came to be widely commented on. It was part of her, like the scar, and, like the scar, it drew men to her even though it made them deeply uneasy. It was not a trick, either, although she knew it unnerved the sports and made matters go quicker. Silent happened to be how she felt when men were with her.>>完整场景
Then one night Mosby just plain sold a poke to a traveling man of some kind: he seemed to be planning to do it regular, only the second man he sold her to happened to take a fancy to Lorena. His name was John Tinkersley, the tallest andprettiest man Lorena had seen up to that point, and the cleanest. When he asked her if she was really married to Mosby she said no. Tinkersley suggested then and there that she accompany him to San Antonio. Lorena was glad to agree.>>完整场景
It was peculiar that he was her most regular customer, because he was also her oldest. She made a point of not letting anything men did surprise her much, but secretly it did surprise her a little that a man as old as Gus would still be so partial to it. In that respect he put a lot of younger men to shame, including Mosby Marlin, who had held her up for two years over in east Texas. Compared to Gus, Mosby couldn’t even be said to have a carrot, though he did have a kind of little stringy radish that he was far too proud of.>>完整场景
“You never used to gamble this regular,” Call said. “You better watch that girl.” “Watch her for what?” “To see she don’t get you to marry her,” Call said. “You’re just enough of an old fool to do it. I won’t have that girl around.” Augustus had a good laugh. Call was given to some funny notions, but that was one of the funniest, to think that a man of his years and experience would marry a whore.>>完整场景
Since you can't find these species in regular nurseries in any numbers, we realized that we had to start our own tree nursery.>>完整场景
You'd see them in the back of a-- of a-- just a regular magazine comic book and order it and they would send it to your door.>>完整场景
Good! Two coffees, one regular, one light.>>完整场景
40 regular staff members.>>完整场景
And 40 regular staff members in total, right?>>完整场景
Sir, a marine has refused to bathe on a regular basis. The men in his squad would give him a G.I. shower.>>完整场景
They always meet on different days. It's not regular.>>完整场景
When something happens at the same time every week or month, it is regular.>>完整场景
What are you, a regular Einstein?>>完整场景
All your protesting... “I’m just a regular guy.” You don’t crack open a thousand-page book ‘cause you heardthe author’s a regular guy. You read it because the author is brilliant.>>完整场景
Believe me: I’m not just “Aw-shucks, I’m just in from the country, I’m not a real writer, I’m just a regular guy.” I’m not trying to lay some kind of sh*t. And I’m>>完整场景
- Why don't you talk like a regular person?>>完整场景
Volunteers will get regular pay.>>完整场景