
n. 咖啡;咖啡豆;咖啡色


"Yvonne's Coffee Shop." - It's five dollars.>>完整场景
- "Mail it to Yvonne's Coffee Shop." - It's a good idea.>>完整场景
- Then he gives me coffee for free.>>完整场景
- Now that's coffee!>>完整场景
You sure did! The $9.53 comes out of your cheque. Bring me some coffee.>>完整场景
- Coffee?>>完整场景
- You want some coffee?>>完整场景
Get me some coffee.>>完整场景
- How about a cup of coffee?>>完整场景
- I'll take a coffee.>>完整场景
- I'll have the coffee.>>完整场景
And get some of this hot coffee inside of you.>>完整场景
Is that coffee good and hot, Lorraine?>>完整场景
In the waiting area, the cushions of a sofas and chairs have been gnawed at and pulled apart. Dusty coffee mugs and filled ashtrays lie on the table. The water has turned brackish in a near by cooler.>>完整场景
More coffee?>>完整场景
The three adults are finishing their dessert and coffee. The The children have been out to bed.>>完整场景
Ah! Vienna Bring them coffee and schnapps I'll do the rest When llona brings thoes gentlemen coffee, play your song Nice suit There you are - Your health, gentlemen - Cheers Budapest... That's Budapest... Would you care for anything else?>>完整场景
Good morning I borrowed some sugar - I thought you'd like some in your coffee - Yes The portfolio is from my conservatory professor It was a parting gift "It's a poor pupil who doesn't overtake his master" He was convinced that one day I would be a famous composer He was wrong You might still be, one day Play for me Only if you'll sing for me I only sing when I'm alone I'm not alone now Just look at this!>>完整场景
I actually trained But after two years, I realized I wasn't good enough for the concert hall I'm not good enough for the concert hall either But you play I'll play "Komm Zigan" whenever it's requested I'll get you coffee A piano should be nice and shiny But not a suit Sorry, it's the only one I have I could start saving for a new one I can't wait that long I'll buy you one If your music makes you rich, you can pay me back - Here - Thank you.>>完整场景
233 INT. STRATTON OAKMONT III - JORDAN’S OFFICE - DAY 233 Jordan and Donnie sit at the coffee table over takeout sushi.>>完整场景
212 SCENES 212 - 214 OMITTED *212 24 MONTHS LATER 215 INT. JORDAN’S ESTATE - LIVING ROOM - DAY (SUMMER ‘98) *215 Jordan, looking healthier than we’ve seen him thus far, * sits on the couch; stacks of paperwork on the coffee * table. After a few beats, Naomi enters from the kitchen. * NAOMI * Dinner’s ready. *>>完整场景
151 INT. BANQUE REAL DE GENEVE - SAUREL’S OFFICE - DAY 151 Jordan, Rugrat and Donnie drink coffee with Saurel andone other SWISS BANKER. It’s an impressive office, withan enormous fish tank.>>完整场景
Ah, yes. We gave our designer an unlimited budget and he exceeded it. Come! You must tell me all about your adventure with the stewardess over coffee!>>完整场景
71 INT. FBI BREAK ROOM - DAY (OCT ‘91) 71 PATRICK DENHAM sits sipping coffee as he reads Forbes.>>完整场景
158 CARMINE POLITO: (on grainy monitor) I appreciate this. On my family. Onmy kids. This needs to happen. It’sgotta happen. You’ve got my word Irving walks out of the room -- 159 INT. HALLWAY OF SHERMAN SUITE, PLAZA -- CONTINUOUS 159 --into another room where Sydney on elegant gold couch, sitsalone. Surveillance equipment and room service trays are onthe coffee table.>>完整场景