
n. 忠诚的人;反对独立者


SSgt. Griggs:

The tanker's about to blow! Move! The Hind continues to fire upon the tanker, and the tanker explodes. Soap is knocked unconscious again. (In slow-motion) He then wakes up again in front of a destroyed red car. Griggs moves towards him, he seems to be asking if he is okay. He pulls Soap away as he shoots the enemy with a nickel-plated M1911. For some reason, most likely due to running out of ammo, or to clear the enemy threat, he takes out his M249 SAW and fires. Just as he turns his head, he is killed by a bullet to the head from one of Zakhaev's men. Griggs falls and Soap turns to his left, seeing Captain Price suffering from his own wounds. Soap turns back in front of him and sees Imran Zakhaev and two Ultranationalist guards approaching Gaz and two other SAS members. Gaz lifts his head up, only to be shot in the head by Zakhaev's pistol while the other SAS members are shot by Zakhaev's men. As Zakhaev walks towards Soap, the Hind behind them suddenly explodes, and Zakhaev and his men are distracted. A Russian Loyalist Mi-28 Havoc appears and Zakhaev and his men fire at it. Soap, looking at his left again, sees Captain Price taking out an M1911 and sliding it to him. Having only one chance, Soap aims and fires the pistol, killing Zakhaev and the two guards. Soap looks on as Zakhaev's collapsed body bleeds. A Russian Loyalist Mi-8 Hip stops at the end of the bridge as another hovers on top of the Soap and Price, dropping troops. Sgt. Kamarov and his men come down and spot Soap and Price.
>> Modern Warfare 07 Movie Script
Captain Price:

Zakhaev's son. Commander of the Ultranationalist forces in the field. Rotten apple doesn't fall far from the tree. The loyalist Kamarov has got a location on the kid.
>> Modern Warfare 07 Movie Script

Yes sir. I hear it's lovely this time of the year... The satellite tracks Sgt. "Soap" MacTavish in Northern Azerbaijan. The SAS team groups up near the abandoned gas station. A Russian Loyalist flashes a signal to the team with his flashlight.
>> Modern Warfare 07 Movie Script
Sgt. Kamarov:

Welcome to the new Russia, Captain Price. Kamarov signals his Loyalist team out of the tall grass.
>> Modern Warfare 07 Movie Script