
adj. 有拱的;拱形的;弓形结构的


Seeing that the support beams are brace high arched walls of steal mesh, it becomes obvious that we are inside this vast construction.>>完整场景
From the high, arched ceiling hang bare bulbs, tangled pipes, winches and chains. Industrial lathes, drills and presses line the walls. All covered in dust.>>完整场景
279INT -- RED'S ROOM -- LATE DAY 279 Small, old, dingy. An arched window with a view of Congress Street. Traffic noise floats up. Red enters and pauses, staring up at the ceiling beam. Carved into the wood are the>>完整场景
113INT -- BROOKS' ROOM -- DAY (1954) 113 Brooks enters. The room is small, old, dingy. Heavy wooden beams cross the ceiling. An arched window affords a view of Congress Street. Traffic noise drifts in. Brooks sets his bag down. He doesn't quite know what to do. He just stands there, like a man waiting for a bus.>>完整场景
The deputy's legs writhe and stamp. He moves in a clumsy circle, crabbing around the pivot-point of the other man's back arched against the floor.>>完整场景

INT. SCHOOL CORRIDOR - AFTERNOON The arched halls of the private school are lined with posted drawings and test papers.Cole and Malcolm walk down an empty hall.