
n. 反应,感应;反作用;反动,复古


You’re familiar with the Manhattan Project? As they approached the first atomic test, Oppenheimer became concerned the detonation might produce a chain reaction, engulfing the world.>>完整场景
The Protagonist studies her reaction as he –>>完整场景
My first reaction when I saw the announcement of the psii, Was oh, sh*t.>>完整场景
Andy finally glances to Red, seeking a reaction. Silence.>>完整场景
Bill throws...5...more reaction...more money...>>完整场景
O-REN'S reaction shows how effective the element of surprise turned out to be. She says The Bride's name softly to herself; it's BLEEPED OUT.>>完整场景
The Paparazzo removes his lens cap, embarrassed. He tries to get a reaction from her, calling out questions:>>完整场景
It's a strange reaction, is it not?>>完整场景
Okay, yes, obviously. The CO2's gonna delay the acidic reaction, yes.>>完整场景
(to the Board) -- This is Joe Black, a personal associate of mine - uh - he'll be joining us today. I know it's -- uh -- unusual, and my apologies -- and Drew -- uh -- carry on. Immediately indications of surprise on Board members' faces at Parrish bringing in an 'observer', Drew's reaction guarded but intense.>>完整场景