
adj. 糖尿病的,患糖尿病的


Michael Corleone has had a diabetic stroke. l wanted you to know about it.
>> The Godfather: Part III 教父 3 1990 Movie Script
As you can see, these are diabetic ulcers... with lymphedema and evidence of gangrene.
>> 心灵点滴 Patch Adams (1998) Movie Script
Here we have a juvenile onset diabetic... with poor circulation and diabetic neuropathy.
>> 心灵点滴 Patch Adams (1998) Movie Script
- Maybe she's a diabetic.
>> 莫负当年情 Beaches Movie Script
What are you, a diabetic?
>> 疯狂高尔夫 Caddyshack Movie Script
My husband's diabetic.
>> 食品公司 Food, Inc. Movie Script

Hey, Mom. -Hi, there. I think they're, um, looking for you back at the hospital. Yeah, I woke up there this morning. What was all that about? Uh... I found you passed out in the kitchen the other night, and then they said that you were in a diabetic coma. Oh, I'm sorry. This is my friend, Ellie. Hi. It's nice to meet you. Are you feeling better?I never felt bad. I can tell you I sure was hungry, though, when I woke up this morning. (CHUCKLES) Hey, you know, we should just swing you by the hospital. Oh, no, I'm not going back there. Uh, well, they might have a list of foods for you to avoid, and medication for you to take. You pop on by there tomorrow and pick that stuff up for me, would you, Margaret? Mom. I mean, Reno. -So, who's your friend? -Uh... She's in town 'cause her, her father died. Uh, Mark Edwards? Did you know him? I knew him just to wave at. -I know his momma pretty well, though. -Mmm-hmm. -You feel like doing some sewing? -Oh, sure. Let me just grab a Blizzard to go.
>> A Country Called Home Movie Script

Mmm, it's a key. Hold on... Is this the key to my heart? -(CHUCKLES) -Hey, I have been looking everywhere for this. Yeah, I don't know what it's for. Um, my father left it for me. He... He's just, uh... He died. Huh. This is familiar. -Is it? -Yeah. You know, I can't remember where, but I saw this kind of key before. So, you wanna hear my new song or what? You're not gonna get back up there again, are you? No. Uh, no. I think once is enough for tonight. (BOTH CHUCKLE) Come on, let's go. (PLAYING GENTLE SONG) (SONG ENDS) That was great. Thanks. Um, who is this? That is Brenda Thacker. Also known as my mother. Yeah, she's been in a diabetic coma here for three days now. I'm so sorry, is she gonna be okay? Uh, yeah, I mean, they think so. But you know. They're not really sure. On the plus side, we never got along so well as we have these past three days, have we, Brenda? (CHUCKLES SOFTLY) Do you come here every day? Mmm-hmm. (PLAYING GENTLE SONG) Hi. (GRUNTS) Hi, um... I, uh, I don't know where Amanda is, but I think she might be in the back. Oh, we're here to see you. Why? Well, because you're our granddaughter. Why wouldn't we wanna see you? Yeah, we didn't mean to step on your beauty sleep. (BOTH CHUCKLE) I carry this picture around with me everywhere I go. Um... Yeah, I, I remember this day. Do you have any? Any what? Uh, she wants to know if you have any pictures of our beautiful faces.(CHUCKLES) (CLICKS TONGUE) Uh... Well, I know you wouldn't carry them around with you, but at home, I was wondering if you had any.
>> A Country Called Home Movie Script