
vt. 给…穿衣


I like the gold dress the model is dressed in.>>完整场景
Do you like the gold dress she's dressed in?>>完整场景
INT. PRESIDENTIAL PALACE - NIGHT The entire reception has been disrupted for an announcement; all the guests in their formal dress and evening gowns, standing with frightened faces like first class passengers on a doomed ship. The President himself, his back to our VIEW, is making an announcement in Spanish. While he speaks, we notice continuous movement of his personal staff, carrying suitcases and possessions.>>完整场景
She holds one up, then another. She is torn. Clemenza shakes his head and straightens the dress on her body. His hand brushes her arm; she looks at him smiling.>>完整场景
(Sicilian) Are you kidding? My husband will kill me if he knows I paid five dollars for one dress.>>完整场景
EXT. TAHOE TABLES AND PAVILION - VIEW ON THE PAVILION - DAY The orchestra has taken its break; now two couples in formal dress are performing the Quartet from Rigoletto.>>完整场景
Then the badge, and the identification card; with his picture on it. Slowly, in the solitude of his room, he begins to dress.>>完整场景
She wore a red dress, and a red ribbon in her hair. She looks more Greek than Italian. Do you know a beauty like that?>>完整场景
I didn't know about the dress code and I never really taught before.>>完整场景
Oh, yeah, you'd never pass the dress code.>>完整场景
Nice dress.>>完整场景
Apparently I wore an awful dress.>>完整场景
Did I see you in a dress last night?>>完整场景
But why did you give me a wedding dress?>>完整场景
You know that platinum blond over there, in the flower dress?. She's by the table.>>完整场景
“I’ve funds in a bank in San Antonio,” Augustus said. “Also I own half a cattle herd. It ought to be north of the Yellowstone by now.” “I brought pen and ink,” the doctor said. “If I were you I’d make your will while you’re still sober.” Augustus drank all afternoon and did not use the pen or ink. Once, when the music stopped, he looked out the window and saw a skinny pockmarked girl in a black dress standing in the street looking up at him curiously. He waved but could not be sure she saw him. He took another twenty-dollar gold piece from his pants pocket and sailed it out the window toward her. It landed in the street, to the puzzlement of the girl. She walked over and picked up the gold piece, looking up.>>完整场景
Any approaching rider was something to pay attention to in that country. In the first years the sight of any rider scared her and made her look to see where Bob was, or be sure a rifle was handy. Indians had been known to dress in white men’s clothes to disarm unwary settlers, and there were plenty of white men in the Territory who were just as dangerous as Indians. If she was alone, the sight of any rider caused her a moment of terror.>>完整场景
“Come with me,” he added. “They’ve probably got a store or two. We could buy you some clothes.” Lorena considered it. She had been wearing men’s clothes since Gus rescued her. There hadn’t been any place to buy any others. She would need a dress if she went with Gus to see the woman. But she didn’t know if she really wanted to go see her—although she had built up a good deal of curiosity about her. Lots of curiosity, but more fear. It was a strange life, just staying in the tent and talking to no one but Gus, but she was used to it. The thought of town frightened her almost as much as the thought of the woman.>>完整场景
When he stood up, he saw Clara. She had been on her way back from the garden with a basket of vegetables. It was hot, and she had rolled the sleeves up on her dress. Her arms were thin and yet strong, as if they were all bone.>>完整场景
Dish finally leaped at Bert, but instead of boxing, the two men grappled and were soon rolling on the ground, neither gaining much of an advantage. Call had seen the men square off, and he loped over. When he got there they were rolling on the ground, both red in the face but doing one another no harm. He rode the Hell Bitch right up to them, and when they saw him they both stopped. He had it in his mind to dress them down, but the fact that the other hands were laughing at their ineffectual combat was probably all that was needed. Anyway, the men were natural rivals in ability and could be expected to puff up at some point. He turned and rode back out of camp without saying a word to them.>>完整场景
“I got to go,” she said. “If you ever do find Ellie, tell her I still got that blue dress she gave me. If she ever wants it back she’ll have to write.” July nodded. Jennie gave him a final look, half pitying, half exasperated, and hurried on down the stairs.>>完整场景
The closer he got to the girl, the better he liked her looks. She had fine features, and her thin, worn-out dress concealed a swelling young bosom. She realized Jake was coming her way, which agitated her a little. She looked off, pretending not to notice him.>>完整场景
Gus didn’t reprimand her. “I ’spect the best thing is for you to cry it out, Lorie,” he said. “You just remember, you got a long time to live.” “They shouldn’t have took me,” Lorena said, when she stopped crying. She got her rag of a dress and went back to the tent.>>完整场景
“This is a big-looking town,” Roscoe said. “I guess I can buy myself some clothes.” “Not for no fifty cents,” the woman said. “That’s nothing but a sack the girl’s wearing. You ought to get her something decent to wear while you’re buying.” “Well, I might,” Roscoe said. It was true that Janey’s dress was a mere rag.>>完整场景
“It weren’t that simple,” Augustus said, looking at the creek and the little grove of trees and remembering all the happiness he had had there. He turned old Malaria and they rode on toward Austin, though the memory of Clara was as fresh in his mind as if it were her, not Woodrow Call, who rode beside him. She had had her vanities, mainly clothes. He used to tease her by saying he had never seen her in the same dress twice, but Clara just laughed. When his second wife died and he was free to propose, he did one day, on a picnic to the place they called her orchard, and she refused instantly, without losing a trace of her merriment.>>完整场景