adj. 谄媚的;奉承的
- Oh, that's mighty flattering of you, Miss Scarlett.>> 飘 Gone with the Wind Movie Script
- Elmira felt like laughing. July was flattering himself if he thought he could catch a man like Jake Spoon. But then, if she laughed she would be giving herself away. July had no idea that she knew Jake Spoon, but she had known Jake even before she knew Dee. He and Dee had been buddies up in Kansas. Jake even asked her to marry him once, in a joking way—for Jake was not the marrying kind and she hadn’t been then, either. He had always kidded her, in the days when she was a sporting girl in Dodge, that she would end up respectable, though even he couldn’t have guessed that she’d marry a sheriff. It amused him no end when he found out. She had seen him twice in the street after he came to Fort Smith, and she could tell by the way he grinned and tipped his hat to her that he thought it one of the world’s finest jokes. If he had ever come to the cabin and seen that it had a dirt floor, he would have realized it was one of those jokes that aren’t funny.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- Then, in a second, Gus beat her. She came up with a ten of spades, and him with the queen of hearts. It was her sense that he’d cheated, though she couldn’t have said how. She had not realized before what a determined man he was. He had come in for a purpose and she had not been clever enough to head him off. He paid her the fifty dollars at once—it had not been a bluff. When he had had the poke and was dressing, she found that she felt pretty cheerful and was not in a mood to hurry him out. After all, Gus had paid her many visits and given her nothing to hold against him. The fifty dollars was flattering, and she rather liked it that she was his preference even though he was Jake’s best friend. She had stopped feeling silent and was content to let him loll for a few minutes.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- (to JO) Am I correct in assuming that these letters don't paint a flattering picture of marine corps life in Guantanamo Bay?>> 好人寥寥 A Few Good Men Movie Script
- That’s very flattering.>> 旅行终点 The End of the Tour Movie Script
- Searching other people's seat cushionsfor loose change -- Getty darkens. Gail changes tack, flattering him: 23.>> 金钱世界 All the Money in the World Movie Script