
n. 视力;目力


Several times he thought he glimpsed Indians slipping over a ridge or behind distant yucca, but could never be sure. Soon he felt feverish and began to distrust his own eyesight. In the shining mirages ahead he thought he saw horsemen, who never appeared. Once he thought he saw Deets, and another time Blue Duck. He decided his reason must be going and began to blame Gus for it all. Gus had spent a lifetime trying to get him into situations that confused him, and had finally succeeded.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“I doubt it,” Augustus said. “The eyesight of your average Indian is overrated. They spend too much time in them smoky tepees. The bulk of them can’t see in the dark no better than we can, if as well. So it’s a big chance for them, sneaking up on sharpshooters like us.” “Well, I ain’t a sharpshooter,” Pea Eye said. “I need to take a good aim or else I miss.” “You’re near as depressing as Jasper Fant,” Augustus said.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“There’s a bunch you missed,” Augustus said, pointing to the northwest. Deets looked, nodded, and rode away. Jasper Fant looked and saw nothing but heat waves and blue sky. “I guess I need spectacles,” he said. “I can’t see nothing but nothing.” “Weak brains breed weak eyesight,” Augustus said.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Deets alone brought back most of the strayed bunches, none of which had strayed very far. The plain was so vast and flat that the cattle were visible for miles, at least to Augustus and Deets, the eyesight champions.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Janey was shy of people. She had keen eyesight and would usually see other travelers before Roscoe did. Often when she saw one she disappeared, darting off the trail and hiding in weeds and tall grass until the stranger passed.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“You never know,” Augustus said. “I don’t underestimate him, though he’d have to step quick to beat me and Call both.” “He didn’t even look at me,” Lorena said. “I don’t think he’ll come back.” “I imagine he took you in long before he got to camp,” Augustus said. “I ain’t the only one in the world with good eyesight.” “I want to wait for Jake,” Lorena said. “I told him I’d wait.” “Don’t be foolish,” Augustus said. “You didn’t know Blue Duck was around when you told him. The man might decide he wants to use you for fish bait.” Lorena felt it was a test of Jake. She was frightened of the man, and part of her wanted to go with Gus. But she had trusted herself to Jake and she still hoped that he would make good.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Call don’t neither,” Augustus said. “Makes him mad. He’s better trained than me but ain’t got the eyesight.” Then he grinned at her, and put his hat on to shade his eyes. He was watching the west in a way that made her apprehensive.“You want the rifle?” she asked.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Throughout his years as a Ranger, Augustus had always been renowned for his remarkable eyesight. Time and again, on the high plains and in the Pecos country, it had been proven that he could see farther than other people. In the shimmering mirages the men were always mistaking sage bushes for Indians. Call himself could shade his eyes and squint and still not be certain, but Augustus would merely glance at the supposed Indian for a moment, laugh and go back to card playing or whiskey drinking or whatever he might be doing.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
You need to have things such as general good health, reasonably good eyesight, hearing, those types of things.
>> 火星一代 The Mars Generation Movie Script