
adj. 滑稽的,好笑的


Jakc looks so stricken, it is almost comical. The kimono drops to the floor (this is all in cuts, lyrical).
>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
But he shook his head when they pointed at the cattle. He thought they wanted to take the cattle and go west. When he shook his head, it caused a big laugh. The Indians seemed to think everything he did was pretty comical. They jabbered and pointed to the west, laughing, and then, to his dismay, three of them began to whoop at the cattle and got them started west. It seemed they were just going to take them. Newt felt sick with confusion. He knew the point had been reached when he ought to draw his pistol and try to stop it but he couldn’t seem to do it. The fact that the Indians were laughing and seemed friendly made it difficult. How do you shoot people who were laughing? Maybe the Captain could have, but the Captain wasn’t there.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“I’d not realized how much taller a horse is than a mule,” he said. “It seems a long ways down.” Dish regarded the remark as the most comical he had ever heard. It had never occurred to him that there could be such a thing as a grown man who didn’t know how to dismount from a horse. The sight of the two Irishmen stuck with their short legs dangling down the sides of the horses struck him as so funny that he doubled over with laughter.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Newt felt a little sorry for the two of them, but he had to admit they were a comical sight. The Mexican saddles were all clearly meant for men with longer legs. Their feet did not come anywhere near the stirrups. Even so, the Irishmen seemed disinclined to dismount.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
All right, Tatum. You're a very comical guy.
>> 倒扣的王牌 Ace in the Hole (1951) Movie Script

EXT. BENCH - AFTERNOON The legend, "Two Years Later" appears. A man flips open a worn file folder on his lap. Handwritten notes fill every line. At the top of the first page reads, "Vincent Gray, age 10, Referred January 19, 1989." The man's hand touches the name almost reverently.He glances through the page. Words and phrases are circled throughout the file. "...Acute anxiety" "...Socially isolated" "...Possible mood disorder" "...Parent status -- Divorced" "...Communication difficulty between mother-child dyad" The man's hands flip the page. At the top of this new page reads, "Cole Sear, age 8, Referred September 1998." As the man's fingers move through the notes we again see words and phrases circled throughout this new case history. "...Acute anxiety" "...Socially isolated" "...Possible mood disorder" "...Parent status -- Divorced" "...Communication difficulty between mother-child dyad" The hands close the notepad. The hands are slightly shaking now. WE PULL BACK to reveal the shaking hands belong to Dr. Malcolm Crowe. Malcolm sits on a sidewalk bench facing a row of brownstone homes across the street. He gazes blankly at the brownstones. Beat. A door opens. Malcolm is brought out of his trance. COLE SEAR steps out his front door. Cole is a munchkin of a boy with large, black eyes that seem to take in everything around him. His hair is dark, with a small patch of jet white on the side. Cole carefully locks the door behind him. He moves to the bottom of the stairs and looks around nervously. Anxiously. The eight-year-old child reaches into his pocket and slips on a pair of VERY LARGE GLASSES. They look comical on him. Malcolm rises to his feet. He smooths out his shirt. Looks down and buttons his jacket. When he looks up, Cole is gone. Malcolm barely catches a glimpse of the boy. Cole runs at full speed down the street and turns the corner. TINY SNEAKERS SCREECHING ON THE SIDEWALK.For a second, Malcolm doesn't react. The second passes. He stuffs the file in his bag and starts running too.
>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script