
n. 肯尼亚人


Am a 24 year old Kenyan, just finished my college yet to graduate on December with a bachelors in IT. How can I get job in China? In my college years I used to do teaching kids in our country and recently undertook the TEFL 120 hrs, I have been doing online application in hiredchuna, echinacities, indeed, glassdoor and all other platfroms but never gotten shortlisted. Can I ever get lucky or I should just give up?
我是一名24岁的肯尼亚人,刚刚完成大学学业,还没有在12月以IT学士学位毕业。我怎样才能在中国找到工作?在我的大学时代,我曾经在我们国家教孩子们,最近我参加了120小时的TEFL,我一直在做网上申请,在hiredchuna, echinacities, indeed, glassdoor 和所有其他平台上,但从未入围。我能幸运吗,还是应该放弃?
>> 2024-10 The metamorphosis from anxious wife
What of the Kenyan government?
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
111 EXT. KENYAN MARKET AREA - PARKLANDS - AFTERNOON 111 JAMA’S VAN pulls up beside a STREET VENDOR selling stacks of coloured plastic buckets.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
COLONEL POWELL (CONT’D) Once all suspects are in the house, Kenyan special forces will launch a cordon and search. This is an operation to capture, not kill. You are tasked to be their eye in the sky.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
Seated in the darkened interior, DAMISI, an indigenous Kikuyu Kenyan woman, also in jeans and T-shirt, sits in front of a secure laptop.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
JAMA FARAH, a Kenyan of Somali origin, in his hat, jeans, shirt, glances about while he waits for his food.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
52 EXT. KENYAN MARKET AREA - PARKLANDS - MIDDAY 52 A STALL OWNER slops stew from a pot into take-away cartons.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
OWITI’S POV: 36 EXT. COMPANY D BASE - MORNING 36 In a high-walled loading area are a number of military trucks and FIFTY KENYAN SOLDIERS of Kenya’s elite D Company, dressed for action, each with their weapon and gear beside them.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
A REVERSE ANGLE reveals an athletic looking Kenyan man, AGENT ATIENO, 35, casually shooting a long lens, covert surveillance image of Muhammad from across the airport lobby.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
REPORTER’S VOICE Somali Al-Shabaab militants have posted this picture of an unnamed man they say they have executed in Nairobi. The group claims he was working for British military intelligence attempting to infiltrate their international recruitment networks. Al-Shabaab want to impose their strict version of Sharia law across the horn of Africa. They bitterly resent the role of Britain and the Kenyan military in propping up the UN backed Somali government in Mogadishu. The Ministry of Defense has declined to comment, but denounced the execution as “sickening.” Affected, but stoic, POWELL watches in icy silence.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
Within this no-go area they stop cars and search anyone they suspect of being a Kenyan security police collaborator.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
Beyond the safety and privacy of the walled family compound, militia hang out on street corners and guard unofficial checkpoint barriers on neighbourhood entrances, making it a no-go area for the Kenyan police.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
Most of the wildlife at the base of mount Kilimanjaro is found on the Kenyan side of the border, but long term conservation efforts and intense anti-poaching surveillance is paying off.
>> 狂野非洲 African Safari Movie Script