
n. 药;医学;内科;巫术


16. Watermelon frost, Traditional Chinese medicine suggests watermelon frost may treat canker sores. But more research on watermelon frost is still needed to determine if it is a safe and effective remedy.
>> 16 Ways to Get Rid of Canker Sores
And you know what we've done in the west is we've made a very hierarchical all important system of medicine, it's often frightening for patients, it's often invasive, but you know in China, it's actually the patient that's the god not the doctor that Chinese medicine tends to empower people , it enables them to much more responsibility for their health and I think this is what is has to offer.
>> 中医是一门艺术
The first is that Chinese medicine is a real art and any practitioner needs to listen and look, they listen to the pulse, they listen to a patient's life that illness isn't just a collection of isolated symptoms, It's the way our lives and our histories and what we want to do impact and can actually cause ill health, it's a really really creative process almost an art form.
>> 中医是一门艺术
I think Chinese medicine has two things that western medicine doesn't have.
>> 中医是一门艺术
Why acupuncture here? and he said because Chinese medicine is one of the best systems in the world , one of the best medical systems and we want one of the best medical systems for Cuban people.
>> 中医是一门艺术
I visited Cuba in my work. I heard that in Cuba. Chinese medicine was a part of their integrated health care system and you know , when Cuba was isolated from the rest of the world and they had no essential medicines, they had to try acupuncture, and they found it successful, things like strokes and heart attacks.
>> 中医是一门艺术
Chinese medicine is a huge success story,but we in the last couple of years have faced huge hostility .
>> 中医是一门艺术
He got an X-ray before he took the medicine.
>> 2024-5 Tai Chi and Yoga
- Has he had his medicine?
>> The Godfather: Part III 教父 3 1990 Movie Script
Yet he didn’t know exactly what he could do. They had no medicine, it was raining fits, the Indians had them surrounded, and they were a hundred miles or more from the Hat Creek outfit.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Buried him in Boot Hill. It’s a good joke on him, since his name was Boot. He killed a nine-year-old boy, he won’t be missed around here.” Elmira shut her eyes, hoping she could be dead. From then on she spat out her medicine, letting it dribble onto the gown the doctor had given her. He didn’t understand at first.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“I couldn’t even get the man to go away and eat,” the doctor told her. “I live on tea, myself, but he’s a big man. Tea won’t keep him going. I guess he asked me a thousand times if you were going to live.” The doctor sat in a little thin frame chair by her bed and gave her medicine by the spoonful. “It’s to build you up,” he said.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
The next day he was still there, and the next. She wanted to call out to him to see if he had news of Dee, but she was too weak. Her voice was just a whisper. The doctor who tended her, a short man with a red beard, seemed not much healthier than she was. He coughed so hard that sometimes he would have to set her medicine down to keep from spilling it. His name was Patrick Arandel, and his hands shook after each coughing fit. But he had taken her in and tended her almost constantly for the first week, expecting all the time that she would die.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
At first he was very scared. He had been bitten in the night—the poison had had several hours in which to work. It was already too late to cut the bite and try to drain the poison. He had no medicines and could do nothing for himself. He grew lightheaded and assumed he was dying. From the bluff he could see far north across the Republican, almost to Nebraska, he supposed. It was terribly bad luck, to be snakebit almost in sight of where he needed to be. He didn’t even have much water, for with the river so close he had let himself run low.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Clara had lived, and stayed, though she had a look in her gray eyes that frightened Bob every time he saw it. He didn’t really know what the look meant, but to him it meant she might leave if he didn’t watch out. When they first came to Nebraska, he had had the drinking habit. Ogallala was hardly even a town then; there were few neighbors, and almost no socials. The Indians were a dire threat, though Clara didn’t seem to fear them. If they had company, it was usually soldiers—the soldiers drank, and so did he. Clara didn’t like it. One night he got pretty drunk, and when he got up in the morning she had that look in her eye. She made him breakfast, but then she looked at him coldly and lay down a threat. “I want you to stop drinking,” she said. “You’ve been drunk three times this week. I won’t live here and get dirt in my hair for the love of a drunkard.” It was the only threat she ever had to make. Bob spent the day worrying, looking at the bleak plains and wondering what he would do in such a place without her. He never touched whiskey again. The jug he had been working on sat in the cupboard for years, until Clara finally mixed it with sorghum molasses and used it for cough medicine.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
They rounded up Wilbarger’s horses and unhitched the two mules that had been pulling the little wagon. Augustus wanted to take the white rabbits, but the cage was awkward to carry. Finally Deets put two in his saddlebags, and Augustus took the other two. He also sampled the patent medicines and took several bottles of it.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“I swear,” Pea Eye said. “He didn’t wait for you, Gus.” “Nope, he died fine,” Augustus said. “Go dig him a grave, will you, Pea?” They buried Jake Spoon by moonlight on the slope above the creek and, after some discussion, cut down Roy Suggs and little Eddie, plus the old man Dan Suggs had killed, a drummer named Collins with a wagonful of patent medicines. There was a good lantern in the wagon, which, besides the medicines, contained four white rabbits in a cage. The old man had run a medicine show, evidently, and did a little magic. The wagon contained a lot of cheaply printed circulars which advertised the show.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Then Luke developed a fever and got chills. He rolled around in the wagon moaning and sweating. They had no medicine and could do nothing for him. He looked bad, his face swollen and black. It was strange, Elmira thought, that he would bring such punishment on himself just because he wanted to interfere with her.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Elmira got up and cooked them breakfast, but the food did nothing to ease the heaviness of heart which July felt. All night he had hoped she might turn to him, it being his last night at home for a while—but she hadn’t. Once he had accidentally touched her, turning on the pallet they slept on, and she had stiffened. It was clear to July that she wasn’t going to miss him, though he was certainly going to miss her. It was peculiar, but she showed no sign of being sorry to see Joe go, either. Yet Joe was her son and he was her husband—if she didn’t love her husband and her son, who did she love? For all she knew they would be gone for months, and yet she was just as brisk with them as if it was an ordinary day. She saw to it that Joe drew another bucket of water before he left, and then jumped on July for nearly forgetting his jaundice medicine.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“You take that medicine,” she said to July, as soon as he had finished. “If you don’t, I guess you’ll be yellow the rest of your life.” “He ain’t as yellow as he was,” Joe said, feeling that it was incumbent on him to take up for July a little bit, since July would never take up for himself. He had no real fear of his mother—she whipped him plenty, but her anger never lasted long, and if she was really mad he could always outrun her.“He’s too yellow for me,” Elmira said. “If I’d wanted a yellow husband I’d have married a Chinaman.” “What’s a Chinaman?” Joe asked.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
I had that medicine man stage a whole ceremonial.
>> 倒扣的王牌 Ace in the Hole (1951) Movie Script
Sure. And how about me taking a picture of a medicine man, you know, with the fancy headdress and all the trimmings, - exorcising all the evil spirits?
>> 倒扣的王牌 Ace in the Hole (1951) Movie Script
My bloody medicines.
>> 侏罗纪世界2 Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018) Movie Script
I don't know for how long, but it's one less mouth to feed, and maybe Mama can get her medicine now.
>> 超级人生 The Ultimate Life (2013) Movie Script
- She needs her medicine.
>> 超级人生 The Ultimate Life (2013) Movie Script