
adj. 雇佣的;唯利是图的


falls over the injured mercenary. Then with brutal speed, an ENORMOUS BEAST seizes him in its massive jaws and lifts him into the air.>>完整场景
and we reveal... Mercenary Cooper, the weapons specialist we met earlier. He's wearing sunglasses so dark you can't tell whether he's staring at you or fast asleep.>>完整场景
With the phone still to his ear, Udesky wanders out of the craft... 11 EXT. CARGO PLANE - DAY 11 Udesky looks over at Nash and COOPER, another mercenary.>>完整场景
9 EXT. AIRCRAFT GRAVEYARD - DAY 9 NASH, a wry, intelligent mercenary pilot and soldier, is painting huge eyes the windows of a wrecked plane. Finished, he tosses the paint can through the open windows and walks quickly away from the plane.>>完整场景