
n. 正义;司法,法律制裁;法官,审判员


Someone must give his life so that another can prevail in the name of love and justice.>>完整场景
Under this fundamental principle, he brought justice for all and proved that the many tribes could continue to flourish and grow.>>完整场景
Our ships are in pursuit. Justice will be dispensed by cannonade and cutlass, and all manner of remorseless pieces of metal.>>完整场景
- Most recently seen on Tortuga, and then left in the company of a known pirate, Jack Sparrow, and other fugitives from justice.>>完整场景
How many times do I have to... Hear Ye, Hear Ye. Presiding over these trials, all rise and attend... the right Honorable Justice Smith!>>完整场景
Though we cannot understand why our friends should die while we live, we can affirm our truest selves in our belief that any God worth divinity would choose both justice and mercy, and would take these fallen brothers and sisters into eternal peace. Amen.>>完整场景
If only I could live to see it, kid; to be there with you. How beautifully we've done it, step by step. Here, protected, free to make our profits without the Justice Department, the FBI; ninety miles away in partnership with a friendly government. Ninety miles, just a small step, looking for a man who desperately wants to be President of the United States, and having the cash to make it possible.>>完整场景
The Justice goes through the bored, simple ceremony, and we begin to HEAR an echo of the waltz Connie danced with her father, when she was married all those years ago in Long Island.>>完整场景
The VIEW PANS up to the altar, where Connie and Merle, in the same clothing they wore to the Tahoe party, are being married by a Justice of the Peace.>>完整场景
Good. From me you'll get Justice.>>完整场景
Then take the justice from the judge, the bitter with the sweet, Bonasera. But if you come to me with your friendship, your loyalty, then your enemies become my enemies, and then, believe me, they would fear you... Slowly, Bonasera bows his head and murmurs.>>完整场景
But now you come to me and say Don Corleone, you must give me justice.>>完整场景
The Court gave you justice.>>完整场景
I ask for Justice.>>完整场景
They went free that very day. I stood in the courtroom like a fool, and those bastards, they smiled at me. Then I said to my wife, for Justice, we must go to The Godfather.>>完整场景
Because anyone who understands must follow those meetings, and must travel around to preach the great, new justice to the unlucky peasants who work out their lives and sweat, profiting not themselves, but only the padrone.>>完整场景
“Come on, July,” she said. “These girls mean to see that we keep up our standards.” He put the rifle back in the saddle scabbard and followed her into the house.AS THE HERD wound across the brown prairies toward the Platte, whoring became the only thing the men could talk about. Of course, they always liked to talk about it, but there had been sections of the drive when they occasionally mentioned other things—the weather, cards, the personalities of horses, trials and tribulations of the past. After Jake’s death they had talked a good deal about the vagaries of justice, and what might cause a pleasant man to go bad. Once in a while they might talk about their families, although that usually ended with everyone getting homesick. Though a popular subject, it was tricky to handle.>>完整场景
“I’m tired of justice, ain’t you?” he asked.>>完整场景
The thing he remembered best about Webster Witter was that he had been a tall man and they caught him out in the scrub and had to hang him to a short tree. It was that or take him back, and Call was against taking him back. Call believed summary justice was often the only justice, and in those days he was right, since they had to depend on circuit judges who often as not didn’t show up.>>完整场景
Roscoe felt bad about going off and leaving Janey, but he couldn’t think what to do about it. July tied the two outlaws’ horses to a single lead rope and instructed Roscoe and Joe to stay close behind them. It had clouded up and was almostpitch-dark, but that had no effect on July’s pace, which was fast. Having to deliver the outlaws to justice was taking him out of his way, but there was nothing else for it.>>完整场景
“It just goes to show that even sinners can accomplish Christian acts,” Augustus said. “Here we set out to rob a man and now we’re in a position to return valuable property to a man who’s already been robbed. That’s curious justice, ain’t it?” “It’s a wasted night, is what it is,” Call said.>>完整场景
Newt saw the Captain coming back, his rifle in the crook of his arm. As always, Newt felt relieved. It eased something inside him to know the Captain was back. It made it easier to sleep. Lodged in his mind somewhere was the worry that maybe some night the Captain wouldn’t come back. It wasn’t a worry that he would meet with some accident and be killed, either: it was a worry that he might just leave. It seemed to Newt that the Captain was probably tired of them all, and with some justice. He and Pea and Deets did their best to pull their weight, but Mr. Gus never pulled any weight at all, and Bol sat around and drank tequila most of the day. Maybe the Captain would just saddle up the Hell Bitch some night and go.>>完整场景
- Justice was done.>>完整场景
Let me assure you, Lady Ashley... that the suspect, King George, will be brought to justice.>>完整场景
And he will be brought to justice.>>完整场景