
n. 练习;运动;运用;操练;典礼;礼拜


Being that this is a nation-building exercise and all, seems to me it'd behoove us to have someone in the room who's actually from the nation we're building. Don't you think?>>完整场景
ANGLE ON DREW: Who gathers himself, straightens up and takes a deep breath, forcing it out in a breathing exercise.>>完整场景
In this exercise, you try to touch your partner's chest lightly, and your partner tries to block.>>完整场景
Drew is in with the group. Gao and Drew are chosen to do a training exercise together.>>完整场景
INT. TREVOR HOUSE – SAME DAY ESTABLISHING SHOT OF TREVOR BEING PAMPERED BY HIS ENTOURAGE The masseur is massaging his shoulders, a woman is doing a pedicure and another is doing a manicure. An exercise physiologist is going over a computer print out with Trevor, when an old Korean master, MASTER KIM, comes into the room.>>完整场景
a plan you have(be going to): I'm going to walk to work tomorrow to get some exercise.>>完整场景
It's not my fault being the biggest and the strongest. I don't even exercise.>>完整场景
They no sooner got in the house than Mr. Gus began to exercise the privilege. The Captain had his shirt off, letting Bolivar treat his mare bite. She had got him just above the belt. Enough blood had run down into his pants that one pants leg was caked with it. Bol was about to pack the bite with his usual dope, a mixture of axle grease and turpentine, but Mr. Gus made him wait until he could get a look at the wound himself.>>完整场景
DISSOLVE TO: 183 INT. JORDAN’S ESTATE - BASEMENT - LATER (LATE SUMMER ‘95) 183 With Jordan running on the treadmill, Donnie pumps awayon an exercise bike nearby. They’re both sweating.>>完整场景
CUT TO -- Rosalyn DRUNKENLY LEANS IN TALKING TO Dolly POLITO ROSALYN ROSENFELD (shows her nails) I chip them moving furniture, it’s my obsession -- Moving, re decorating, it makes me feel better like exercise. There’s this top coat that you can only get from Switzerland and I don’t know what I’m going to do because I’m running out of it but I LOVE the smell of it.>>完整场景
- An exercise program.>>完整场景
Request to acknowledge Dirty Mission status and exercise attack abort authority.>>完整场景
Because that means I'm going to be performing for a faceless audience, instead of trying to have a conversation with a person. If you think that's faux, then you think what you want. I've got a serious fear of being a certain way. And a set I think of like, real convictions about why I'm continuing to do this, why it's worthwhile. Why it's not just an exercise in basically getting my dick sucked. And, you know what?, this is a very clever tactic of yours:>>完整场景
285. I highly appreciate the preceding man's precious precise exercise.>>完整场景
STRIKER (v.o.) The exercise improved their physical fitness and condition.>>完整场景
MUSA, is helping her with an exercise. She concentrates hard.>>完整场景
Why don't you have someone on the board- mr. Clark's students have assembled outside in an exercise of their first amendment rights.>>完整场景
Me? Im going to my exercise class... and Im going to buy a wrench.>>完整场景
33B INT. BEDROOM 33B Installed on her bed for an afternoon of 'soaps' is the WRONG SARAH CONNOR. ELECTRODE PADS exercise her doughy thighs as the 35 year old divorcee watches "GENERAL HOSPITAL".>>完整场景
We have some exercise equipment onboard the Space Station.>>完整场景
One of the things we do is we exercise.>>完整场景
GORDON enters— INT. COMMISSIONER LOEB'S OFFICE – MOMENTS LATER GORDON musters all his confidence as he approaches LOEB who works an exercise spring in his beefy fist.>>完整场景
RED (V.O.) It turns out Andy's favorite hobby was totin' his wall out into the exercise yard a handful at a time... 236INT -- 2ND TIER -- NIGHT (1962) 236 A GUARD strolls the tier, shining his flashlight into the cells. He pauses at Andy's bars, playing the beam over the sleeping form huddled under the blankets.>>完整场景
127INT -- SHAWSHANK CORRIDORS -- DAY (1955) 127 RAPID DOLLY with Hadley. He's striding, pissed-off, a man on e mission. He straight-arms a door and emerges onto -- 128EXT -- SHAWSHANK PRISON WALL -- DAY (1955) 128 -- the wall overlooking the exercise yard. He leans on the railing, scans the yard, sees Andy chatting with Red.>>完整场景
Years I've got. What I don't have are the rocks. Pickings here in the exercise yard are pretty slim.>>完整场景