
n. 恼怒;恶化;惹人恼怒的事


“If it’s Deets my watch is already set,” Augustus said. “Anyway, I don’t suppose he’s changed clothes, and if I have to see his old black knees sticking out of them old quilts he wears for pants it’s apt to spoil my digestion.” “Deets is coming all right,” Call said. “The fact is, he ain’t by himself.” “Well, the man’s always aimed to marry,” Augustus said. “I imagine he just finally met up with that dark-complexioned lady I was referring to.” “He ain’t met no lady,” Call said with a touch of exasperation. “Who he’s met is an old friend of ours. If you don’t come here and look I’ll have to drag you.” Augustus was about through with the biscuits anyway. He had to use a forefinger to capture the absolute last drop of honey, which was just as sweet licked off a finger as it was when eaten on good sourdough biscuits.
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