
n. 出生;血统,出身;起源


The advisors, disregarding the Queen's privacy, scurry around the screen to see the doctor lift the beautiful baby, wet with birth. The mother -- the Queen -- is still in agony, yet she struggles to lift her head.>>完整场景
''l would characterize the relationship... ''as primarily sexual as l knew-- ''as l never knew very much about her private life... ''outside of our relationship-- ''her marital status, place of birth... friends, et cetera''?>>完整场景
Since birth?>>完整场景
She might've understood if the combination was the last four digits of my social security number... my birth date, even her birth date, but not Nicolai's.>>完整场景
Her name the particulars of her birth and upbringing and any identifying scars or birthmarks.>>完整场景
RED (V.O.) He had all the proper I.D. Driver's license, birth certificate, social security card. The signature was a spot-on match.>>完整场景
Sure you can, if you know how the system works, and where the cracks are. It's amazing what you can accomplish by mail. Mr. Stevens has a birth certificate, social security card, driver's license.>>完整场景
The Negro Project was to bring these birth control and other eugenic measures into the black community.>>完整场景
[D'Souza] Tell me about the screening of the film called The Birth of a Nation by D.W. Griffith.>>完整场景
There'll be three armed guards in there with me, when you give birth.>>完整场景