
adj. 熟练的;有经验的;老练的(等于practised)


Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day.>>完整场景
Dee shrugged. “Killed a boy,” he said. “I was just trying to scare him and he jumped the wrong way.” Ellie felt confused. She had never even heard of Dee Boot shooting a gun. He carried one, like all men did, but he never ever practiced with it that she knew. Why would he try to scare a boy?>>完整场景
But when he walked up to the tent, Lorena was already standing outside it, buttoning her shirt. She turned and he stopped and blushed, fearful that he had ruined everything by approaching at the wrong time. All the speeches he had practiced in the night left him at once.>>完整场景
Bertie takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. His hands grow steady, his throat muscles relax...all the things he's practiced.>>完整场景
3 INT. FIREHOUSE - VARIOUS SHOTS 3 Everyone scrambles. The choreography's practiced, automatic. It's achieved without conversation.>>完整场景
My father controlled everything I did, even down to the kind of law I practiced.>>完整场景
Like we practiced, okay?>>完整场景
Like we practiced, okay?>>完整场景