- EXT. ABOVE OAHU - THE DOGFIGHT - DAY The Japanese planes are in tight, disciplined formation, their minds on the targets below them in the harbor. But their day of shooting sitting ducks changes as the two P-40's blast in, wing guns blazing, chopping into Two Zeros. Both Zeros falter and begin to lose altitude. The P-40's make almost impossible tight turns, still side-by-side, and go after the two plane they crippled on the first pass.>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
- Doctors and patients will work side-by-side as peers.>> 心灵点滴 Patch Adams (1998) Movie Script
- OFF them, as the copper recedes upriver... 318 EXT. RIVER - DAWN 318 Gordy and Selena float side-by-side, still holding ontothe cans. Mauro's asleep on Gordy's back, his armsaround Gordy's neck. Weakened by her wound, Selena keepsbobbing below the surface. Gordy pulls her up.>> 间接伤害 Collateral Damage Movie Script
- EXT. CHATEAU - NIGHT As Aramis and Athos are downstairs arguing, we PAN UP to the window of a candlelit bedroom... INT. CHATEAU BEDROOM - NIGHT We PAN from the window to the bed... where Porthos is making love -- or trying to. We see his huge, bare, broad back, blotting out all view of his partner. He grunts, then roles over in despair -- revealing not one but three serving girls lying beneath him, jammed side-by-side like firewood, all nearly smothered by Porthos' bulk.>> 铁面人 The Man in the Iron Mask Movie Script
- EXT. SUTTON PLACE -- REFLECTING POOL/GARDENS -- DAY J Paul Getty and Chace walk side-by-side.>> 金钱世界 All the Money in the World Movie Script