- Randy is sitting on the edge of the gurney as she strums three opening chords.>> 飞机 Airplane! Movie Script
- 50 INT. HOSPITAL EMERGENCY ROOM - NIGHT 50 Gordy's on a gurney on an I.V., his thigh heavilybandaged. Junior and the rookie, Ronnie, are with him, but there's no chatter -- Gordy's shut down, oblivious toeveryone around him.>> 间接伤害 Collateral Damage Movie Script
- Phipps goes. Gordy looks over as the bodies of Anne andMatt are placed on gurneys and rolled away. Chalk outlines are all that remain of his family. Beat.>> 间接伤害 Collateral Damage Movie Script
- PANNING WITH THE GURNEY as it is wheeled out, holding on TWO FACTORY EMPLOYEES, F.G.>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
- WIDE SHOT, showing the gurney being rolled by TWO ATTENDANTS past the site of the last explosion.>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
- 257 INT. FACTORY - DAWN 257 CLOSE ON the side rail of an ambulance gurney SNAPPING UP into position. Sarah's eyes are closed and she is moved OUT OF FRAME.>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
- Neil pushes Kat towards the broken roller door and pushes her inside... EXT. APRON, OSLO AIRPORT – MOMENTS LATER The Protagonist SWERVES the ambulance, trying to get close to the breach – the Protagonist SPINS the ambulance around as close to the breach as possible. He JUMPS out – opens the back – PEERS into the smoke and water... waiting... Neil EMERGES, pushing the gurney with Kat on – INT./EXT. AMBULANCE – MOMENTS LATER The Protagonist DRIVES, sirens blaring.>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
- NO! Don’t kill him! INT./EXT. FREEPORT SHIPPING AREA – CONTINUOUS ...Neil (respirator on) guarding Kat, STRAPPED to the gurney.>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
- You’re bleeding. Let me take a look – SUDDENLY THEY HEAR THE BUILDING WHINE OF JET ENGINES. The Protagonist YANKS up the handle, THROWS OPEN THE DOOR – EXT. APRON, OSLO AIRPORT – CONTINUOUS Onto PANDEMONIUM – FIRE CREWS BATTLE the blaze, chunks of metal on the ground IGNITE, SHUDDER and LEAP ONTO THE AIRFRAME... STREAMS of water RISE up onto the plane – The Protagonist HURRIES BACKWARDS, PULLING THE GURNEY towards the plane, steering around debris that might suddenly – A SHEET OF FLAMING METAL SPINS off the ground, shearing into them, KNOCKING the GURNEY – they duck, HOLDING ON TO THE GURNEY, the metal FLIES into the air, SLAMS into its hole on the side of the plane... the Protagonist spots a line under the fuselage, between flames, towards the breach... Come on!>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
- Neil looks at Kat, unconscious on the gurney. He TIGHTENS the straps – throws a reflective blanket over her... The SIRENS are DEAFENING – the Protagonist flexes his arm, clearly in a lot of pain. Neil spots BLOOD dripping from the Protagonist’s wrist –>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
- The Protagonist spots a HOLE in the fabric of his black suit – directly over the lesion on his arm... Neil straps a respirator to the gurney – puts the mask over Kat’s face, then puts another on himself. He gives Kat a sedative.>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
- Neil looks at Kat, bleeding out on the gurney.>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
- If you ever take your ass out of this Goddamn bed for as long as you f***in live, I will beat you into the ground, b*tch! INT. HOSPITAL CORRIDOR - NIGHT Elle Driver in her nurse's uniform, angrily walks down the hallway. She passes by a DOCTOR, STRUGGLING WITH A PATIENT BLEEDING PROFUSELY on a gurney.>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script