
n. 伤害,损害;受伤处


“Well, it’s hard to calculate the odds in this kind of a situation,” Augustus said. “We may not have another bad injury the whole way. On the other hand, half of us may get wiped out. If we have much bad luck I doubt I’ll make it myself.” “Why?” Newt asked, startled to hear him say such a thing.>>完整场景
“Talk up, Gus,” Jake said. “If you talk a little louder they’ll probably bring the horse herd to us, only they’ll be riding it.” “Well, they’re just a bunch of bean eaters,” Augustus said. “As long as they don’t fart in my direction I ain’t worried.” Call turned south. The closer they were to action, the more jocularity bothered him. It seemed to him that men who had been in bad fights and seen death and injury ought to develop a little respect for the dangers of their trade. The last thing he wanted to do at such times was talk—a man who was talking couldn’t listen to the country, and might miss hearing something that would make the crucial difference.>>完整场景
As Grant gets rid of the blood, his injury doesn't look so bad, just a gash on his forehead.>>完整场景
- I have an internal injury.>>完整场景
Your injury isn't serious but you might need psychological help.>>完整场景
But it's worse than any kind of physical injury. It may be what in the old days was known as a spiritual crisis. Feeling as though every axiom of your life turned out to be false, and there was actually nothing, and you were nothing, and it was all a delusion. And that you were better than everyone else because you saw that it was a delusion, and yet you were worse because you can't f***ing function. And it’s really horrible.>>完整场景
493. Thanks to the bankrupt banker, my ankle avoided an injury.>>完整场景
220. My durable endurance made me endure the injury during insurance.>>完整场景
And I saw from his neurological signs that it was going to be a fatal head injury.>>完整场景
COLONEL POWELL: The targeteer assesses a 65 to 75 percent chance of fatal injury should we proceed. But he has also assessed a projected loss of life of between thirty and eighty men, women and children if the vests are detonated in an urban area. It’s a guess of course. But we should assume they intend to target a crowded location.>>完整场景
And that is, yes, there are dangers, dangers that can be quantified, but nonetheless dangers that will involve perhaps injury, perhaps even death.>>完整场景
Okay. But you should know that sudden serious brain injury causes the victim to bite down. Hard.>>完整场景
Do you mind if I sit down? I have this injury from a couple of years ago and it flares up every once in a while just so I won't forget it.Beat. Cole slowly slides down the pew, giving Malcolm most of the seat. Malcolm sits. Cole fidgets with his soldiers. Beat. Malcolm looks over and stares at Cole's glasses. He leans forward to inspect them more carefully.>>完整场景