
n. 一种活泼的小狗;地籍册;国防自卫队


I’ll shoot him while he sleeps.” “I’ll tell him that,” Elmira said. “Maybe he won’t sleep. Maybe he’ll kill you, while you’re at it.” “What have you got against me?” Luke said. “I mostly treat you nice.” “You knocked me off the wagon,” she said. “If that’s nice treatment I’ll pass.” “I only want a little,” Luke said. “Only once. We’re still a long ways from Nebraska. I can’t go that long.”The next day he caught her off guard and shoved her back in the wagon by the hides. He was on her like a terrier, but she kicked and scratched, and before he could do anything the mules took fright and started to run away. Luke had to grab the reins with his pants half down, and when he did Elmira grabbed Zwey’s extra rifle. When Luke got the mules stopped, he found a buffalo gun pointed at him.>>完整场景