
adj. 俄国的;俄语的


Khartoum...Kartoum...You are looking at six hundred thousand dollars on four hoofs. I bet even Russian Czars never paid that kind of dough for a single horse. But I'm not going to race him I'm going to put him out to Stud.>>完整场景
I did not think it will go to this extent I did not think it would let the up to you Shaw) is a man who stole (Pierce)? ) - For - Reginald Shaw) (Alexander) was the official bank accounts private) I thought he was Russian or something like that - He surrounds himself with the Russians - But as a British exactly Give me your hand He owns the majority of the nightclubs and cafes "From here to" Novus Brick And as soon as he's that Section Kill anyone who stands in front of the heel Even his wife stood in front of him and opposed ... Do this in But before that detects how many bodies had been shot down had been killed also You're Why do you think he can overtake a man like this?>>完整场景
To the Russian from... Congratulations for purchasing this magnificent animal... Get this thing out of here!>>完整场景
(RUSSIAN ACCENT) Yeah, and I told Liev forget it.>>完整场景
Two Russian SU-37 Terminators in 0-9-0 degrees for 25 miles.>>完整场景
The UC AV is two miles ahead of me and we are now in Russian airspace.>>完整场景
North of my position, at 50, 000 feet headed toward the Russian no-fly zone.>>完整场景
Did we kill a Russian?>>完整场景
Video shows a Russian solider attempting to surrender to a Ukrainian drone.According to the commander of Ukraine's 92nd Achilles drone company, the soldier was trying to indicate his desire to surrender......as well as his fear that he will be killed by his own unit if he attempts to do so.The drone drop written instructions to the Russian soldier advising him where to go.The solider is still fearful, so the drone pilot attempts to coax him out of hiding.He finally departs, sprinting for the destination indicated...while using hand gestures to communicate with the drone overhead.(似乎无人机还发了一发炮弹作为他逃跑前的掩护)Skirting around the edge of the battlefield and avoiding exs and gunfire......the soldier finally makes it to Ukrainian lines, and surrenders.>>完整场景
It's the Russian New Year! We'll have a parade! They'll serve hot hors d'oeuvres!>>完整场景
Turns out, that Russian, he's a somebody.>>完整场景
Last week in Vegas, some Russian starts talking sh*t.>>完整场景
Do you know the Russian writer Turgenev?>>完整场景
[beeping] [newscaster] Today, a new moon is in the sky, a 23 inch metal sphere placed in orbit by a Russian rocket.>>完整场景
Russian financial oligarchs doesn't want their money locked in Europe.>>完整场景
Since the end of the Cold War, the Kalashnikov has become the Russian people's greatest export.>>完整场景
Russian mobsters had also migrated from the Soviet Union and when they came to America, their baggage came with them.>>完整场景
(over phone; in Russian, subtitled) – Shoot him in the head. – Volkov PULLS HIS TRIGGER – but the Dead Tenet Soldier has ‘RISEN’ to be in front of the gun ‘ABSORBING’ the bullet – then LEAPING to one side, ALIVE – EXT. PRIVATE DECK, SATOR’S YACHT – CONTINUOUS Sator hears the shot, SATISFIED – Kat pulls the phone away –>>完整场景
(in Russian, subtitled) The convoy’s due downtown in ten.>>完整场景
In 2008 a remote Russian missile station was overwhelmed and held for a week. When the station was retaken, the plutonium 241 on one warhead was three quarters of a kilo lighter. The missing 241 surfaced at the opera-house siege in Kiev on the 14th.>>完整场景
EXT. ALLEY BEHIND RESTAURANT – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist brushes himself clean, SPOTS the Mercedes, starts moving towards it – INT./EXT. MERCEDES – CONTINUOUS The Gaunt Russian SCRAMBLES to get the car moving. Kat looks back at the Protagonist as the car ROARS away... EXT. SCHOOL GATES – DAY Kat is crouched, talking to her son, MAX. The Nanny hovers –>>完整场景
The Gaunt Russian does not react, but watches through the rear-view mirror as a THUG enters the kitchen – KAT (CONT'D) Can we get going?>>完整场景
I gather you’ve an interest in a certain Russian national.>>完整场景
The Russian oligarch?>>完整场景