
adj. 盖上邮戳的;铭刻的;顿足的


CLOSE ON the Royal Coat Of Arms stamped in gold: lion and unicorn embrace a shield divided into four quarters with harp, thistle, and more lions denoting England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The shield is surmounted by a crown.
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It was like handing investors a shiny, thin file - stamped, "Trust me." Because when it comes to living our purpose, it all starts with integrity.
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440. He stamped on the stamps and slammed the lamp on the damp dam.
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He hands her a package, stamped and addressed. Gives them a pleasant smile. Turns and strolls from the bank.
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Surprise still stamped on his face. Silence now. Norton turns, strolls into darkness.
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Bank-wrapped hundreds fill it. Each packet is stamped "$10,000." Moss stares. He reaches in to rifle the stacks, either to confirm that the bag is full or to estimate the amount.
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It's me. He stops before a pile of mail collecting on a thin table. He stares at it blankly. Almost every envelope has "Over Due" or "Final Notice" stamped on it.
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You're the poison, Drew. You've operated behind-the-scenes to suborn the trust of a man who has stamped you with his imprimatur of class and elegance and stature. I've seen all kinds and degrees of deception in my time, but Bill Parrish has been on the receiving end of machinations so Machiavellian that it has rarely been my experience to encounter. And yet he has combatted them stoically, and selflessly, without revealing my identity. Had he violated the vow of secrecy he took, his task would have been far easier, he could have turned defeat into victory, but he is too honorable a man to have done that. And now I must release him from that vow. Because of me, he has lost his work, his company, his reputation -- and now he's going to tell you who I am.Parrish is struck dumb. He looks at Joe pleadingly, shaking his head imperceptibly, but Joe nods to him blithely -- and then commandingly.
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