
vt. 严责;申斥


“I did plead with him, Captain,” Dr. Mobley said. “I told him it should come off. I regret now that I didn’t take it when we took the other.” “You should have,” Call said bluntly. “I would have known to do that, and I ain’t a medical man.” “Don’t berate the man, Woodrow,” Augustus said. “If I had waked up with no legs, I would have shot the first man I saw, and Dr. Joseph C. Mobley was the first man I saw.” “Leaving you a gun was another mistake,” Call said. “But I guess he didn’t know you as well as I do.” He looked at the leg again, and at the doctor. “We could try it now,” he said. “He’s always been strong. He might still live.” Augustus immediately cocked the pistol. “You don’t boss me, Woodrow,” he said. “I’m the one man you don’t boss. You also don’t boss most of the women, but that don’t concern us now.” “I wouldn’t think you’d shoot me for trying to save your life,” Call said quietly. Augustus looked sweaty and unsteady, but the range was short.
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